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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Your Views Vary Widely

Ann Landers Creators Syndicate

Dear Ann Landers: I am responding to the letter from Chuck Thomas at the Marijuana Policy Project. He says, “Stop locking up marijuana consumers.” Surely Thomas knows that most states now have laws that make possession of minor amounts of marijuana a misdemeanor. In most of those cases, offenders face only a small fine. Nearly 90 percent of drug offenders convicted in 1995 were sentenced on trafficking charges for amounts involving more than 300 pounds of marijuana. Obviously, amounts like this are not for personal use.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, since 1990, marijuana/hashish-related emergency room episodes have risen 155 percent. In 1993, it was the primary drug of abuse in 119,444 treatment center admissions.

Clearly, we must educate and deter our citizens from using marijuana. It has been statistically demonstrated by Columbia University’s Center for Alcohol and Substance Abuse that a youth who uses marijuana is 85 times more likely to move onto harder drugs. Marijuana use is not an inconsequential act. - Thomas A. Constantine, administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C.

Dear Thomas Constantine: I’ve been writing this column for over 40 years, and rarely have I had so much mail on one subject. Here is a sampling:

Springfield, Ill.: I have a 15-year-old son who has already experienced the nightmare marijuana can lead to. He used to be an A student, involved in all the activities young people enjoy. Then changes began - poor grades, truancy, breaking curfew, strange new “friends.” It all started with pot.

Oxnard, Calif.: I agree that spending money to jail people who are no threat to society is madness and a waste of police resources. We don’t have the manpower to control the streets, yet the cops run around all day looking for marijuana plants. Meanwhile, our libraries are closing for lack of funds.

Youngstown, Ohio: I’m a 47-year-old married woman who’s smoked pot since I was 18. For relaxation, marijuana is cheaper than a vacation and works faster than medication. I resent the Food and Drug Administration telling me I’m too stupid to figure out for myself what is OK to use. I’ve never needed to try heroin to know that it’s harmful.

Seagoville, Texas: I am currently serving a 10-year federal sentence for growing marijuana. Should I be in jail for eight more years when some murderers and rapists do much less time? I don’t think so.

Orlando, Fla.: Marijuana is considerably less destructive than alcohol, and it shows promise in treating conditions ranging from glaucoma to cancer and AIDS. Let’s bring compassion and reason to our drug policy.

Fort Worth, Texas: My uncle began smoking pot in the military. Eventually, marijuana wasn’t enough of a kick, so he became a heroin addict. He tried to quit for years and finally managed to end his addiction. How? He committed suicide.

New Albany, Ind.: I am a 50-year-old, middle class male and have been a daily marijuana smoker for 30 years. Why is the government trying to interfere in my relationship with a plant? Only hemp is natural in the drug world. Cocaine, LSD, heroin, speed and, oh yes, alcohol all have to undergo a chemical change. Marijuana simply needs to be dried and rolled. God gave this plant to me.

Dear New Albany: God also gave us poison ivy and ragweed. And now, readers, I’ll meet you at this same place tomorrow for more on this subject.