‘Apply! ‘98’ Helps Students With College Applications
It’s that time of year: The weather’s turning cool - in some states, at least, the leaves are falling - and college-bound students everywhere are filling out stacks of applications.
The estimated 2.5 million students headed for higher learning are facing a lot of forms - the average student applies to 8 to 10 schools. Now they can get a free assist with “Apply! ‘98,” a Windows/Macintosh CD-ROM created by Apply Technology and containing actual applications to more than 600 colleges and universities around the country.
The program uses an interactive screen designed like a college campus, allowing students to complete their applications more quickly and easily than with a typewriter or by hand. Colleges, along with corporate sponsors, are underwriting “Apply! ‘98” because they receive neat, legible information, giving them more time to weigh the applicant’s merits and qualities.
The CD-ROM includes an interview function that helps users pinpoint the right schools for them, based on their academic record and personal interests; up-to-date information on more than 1,400 schools; access to college home pages via the Internet; and help in searching online for more than 180,000 scholarships.
“Apply! ‘98” will tell you if the selected college accepts electronic applications; if not, just print out the completed form and mail it in.
“Apply! ‘98” is being distributed free to high school students, guidance counselors and admissions offices around the country. Check your high school guidance department for the program; if they don’t have it, ask them to order it. The program is also being offered through a business-reply card in Time magazine’s special Princeton Review supplement, “The Best College For You.”
To request a copy directly, fill out an online form at www.weapply.com or send a postcard with your name and address to Apply! ‘98, P.O. Box 8406, New Milford, CN 06776-9848, or call (203)740-3504. xxxx ‘Apply! ‘98’ PC minimum system requirements: 486DX or better, 8 MB of RAM, VGA card with 256 colors, color monitor, 2X CD-ROM drive, sound card and speakers, Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. Macintosh system requirements: Performa or better/33Mhz, 8 MB of RAM (12 MB required to use Internet option), color monitor with 256 colors, 2X CD-ROM drive, QuickTime 1.6.1 or higher, System 7.0.1 or higher. Estimated selling price, manufacturer: Free; Apply Technology.