School Bond Issue Passes In Kellogg
Kellogg residents passed a $6.6 million bond Tuesday to construct a new elementary and remodel the high school.
The bond received 73.5 percent voter approval, with 1,278 residents voting yes and 460 voting no.
“This really shows our community is super-supportive of quality programs. We are truly elated,” said Kellogg Superintendent Greg Godwin late Tuesday.
The $6.6 million option was the most expensive property tax choice on the menu ballot.
The bond raises the property taxes on $40,000 of taxable property by $69.20 per year.
It will build a new elementary school on the Kellogg Middle School site and upgrade Kellogg High School significantly.
The high school will receive a new addition to house the shop program and ROTC, new science labs, and an expanded media and career center. The building’s plumbing and energy efficiency will also be overhauled.
, DataTimes