Q. Are penguins dangerous?
A. Painfully pesky, anyway. They’ll stab at you, if you give them something to strike. Sharp beaks.
In a Michigan village, two wives, both named Ann, habitually chatted in an oak arbor. Their husbands named the pleasant place in their honor, and the town was named for the place: Ann Arbor.
Q. How long did “Have Gun, Will Travel” run on TV?
A. Six years. From 1957 - when David Lean came out with “The Bridge on the River Kwai” - to 1963 - when AT&T jumped forth with Touchtone phones.
Thought I told you to drill holes in your paint paddle to make stirring easier.
The Portuguese neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz invented that delicate knifework on the human brain called the lobotomy, and for it won the 1949 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. The hope was huge, and so was the sorrow. Less than 10 years later, the top practitioners in the field rejected the stultifying procedure as a medical monstrosity.
In the Northern Hemisphere’s northerly climes, a tree’s rings are farther apart on the trunk’s southern side.