Why, He Wouldn’t Even Shoot A Birdie
O.J. Simpson, forced by financial pressures to move from his infamous Rockingham residence, is reportedly renting a four-bedroom house in the Santa Monica Mountains.
The home’s owner refused to confirm or deny the reports, saying “both the tenant and I wish to avoid … a media circus by having helicopters and news crews driving all around the neighborhood.”
Simpson told reporters that moving was a “melancholy” experience, noting: “Everything here was designed by Nicole and me.”
Still, he said, “As long as I’m with my kids and they’re happy, my life will never be miserable. I play golf. That keeps me out of the therapist’s chair …
“That (people) think I could have taken anyone’s life, even an animal’s life, that bothers me.”
Loose talk
Paula Barbieri, on the late Nicole Brown Simpson: “I would say how I wished that she would disappear and I wished that she was gone. And that is a really horrible thing to say about anyone. To wish someone gone and then for it to happen.”
She’s moving into the prime-time of her life
Joan Lunden turns 47 today.
Maybe it’s about time she opened her eyes
Former Simpson girlfriend Paula Barbieri said on Wednesday’s “PrimeTime Live” that he once grabbed a phone from her during an argument, but never hit her. “I have to believe in my heart, for my own sanity, that he can’t be responsible (for Nicole’s murder),” Barbieri said. “I couldn’t sleep at night.”
The difference is, Di’s death was a surprise
Simpson, meanwhile, also weighed in during his departure on the death of Princess Diana: “What hit the hardest was the suddenness of it. It brought Nicole back to me - someone you never can fathom not being there, suddenly isn’t there.”
Do you suppose ‘Teresa’ is already taken?
A San Francisco production of the 1932 Cole Porter-Moss Hart musical “Jubilee,” about a fictional British royal family with a Princess Diana, has received permission from Porter’s estate to change the character’s name. The company is consulting Hart’s widow, Kitty Carlisle Hart, regarding a suitable substitution.
And introducing Kato Kaelin as the paparazzi After establishing that some Broadway producers see an “Evita”-style musical about Princess Diana on the boards in a few years, Tuesday’s New York Post offered some preliminary casting for the show: Gwyneth Paltrow as Di, Antonio Banderas as Dodi Fayed, Kenneth Branagh as Prince Charles, Rosie O’Donnell as Sarah Ferguson, Glenn Close as Camilla Parker Bowles, Leonardo DiCaprio as Prince William, Hanson drummer Zachary as Prince Harry, David Caruso as Charles Spencer and, as the drunken limo driver, Burt Reynolds (without the rug).
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The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = Compiled by staff writer Rick Bonino