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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. In a 70-year human lifetime, how long is the heart at rest?

A. About 40 years.

Not every raven can be taught to say “Nevermore,” but some can.

The Statue of Liberty has more than 100 pounds of fingernails.

Writes a client: “This camel couple - she with two humps, he with one hump - had a baby camel with no hump at all - so they called him Humphrey. and. …” Onward.

Q. Do people eat penguin eggs?

A. Experimentally. Such eggs run three maybe four times the size of hens’ eggs, their “whites” are greenish, and they taste fishy.

Some department stores in Japan hire young women to do nothing by stand beside escalators, where they constantly can wipe clean the moving handrails.

The word “slang” is itself slang. From the Norwegian for “sling the jaw.”

Q. Why are so many bank robberies committed by amateurs?

A. Because most of the professionals are in jail. A police source says: You can get away with almost any well-planned crime once. But if you do it often enough to be called a professional, you’ll be caught.