Hints From Heloise
Dear Heloise: Here is a hint for people like me who are allergic to scents, such as perfume and most air fresheners.
I keep my cat’s litter box in my bathroom and even when I clean it daily the bathroom can smell. I bought some ground cinnamon and cloves in my grocer’s bulk food department because I noticed how nice my spice cabinet always smells and I put them in the bathroom.
It works wonderfully for the aroma-challenged like myself. - Edna Shaw, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Love your hint! Cinnamon and cloves smell so wonderful. Also, vanilla would be another great natural “deodorant” that works wonders in a room. Lots of cat owners will love you!
I have compiled a pamphlet that is chock-full of helpful hints and good information for all cat lovers. For anyone interested in getting one, please send $2 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (55 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Cats, PO Box 795001, San Antonio TX 78279-5001. - Heloise