Ways, Means Of The Legislature Online For Ready Access By Concerned Citizenry
Keeping tabs on the Idaho Legislature can be as easy as sitting down at your home computer.
Information posted on the Internet includes the full text of legislation, with roll-call votes. There are also committee hearing agendas, reading calendars that show which bills will come up on the House or Senate floor, and more.
The gateway to legislative information is the Legislature’s home page on the World Wide Web. To get there, point your web browser to http://www.state.id.us/legislat/legislat.html.
Choices on that page include 1998 legislation, agendas and schedules. Also available there are the Idaho Constitution and statutes, a primer on how a bill becomes law, and a legislative newsletter.
Something new this year is “Saved by the Bill,” an interactive site for students developed by Idaho Public Television. It’s also accessible from the Legislature’s home page.
To see the entire executive budget for the coming year pro posed by Gov. Phil Batt, go to http://www.state.id.us/dfm/dfm.htm.
, DataTimes