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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Touting visiting workers

Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, left, and President George W. Bush wear Chilean ponchos for an APEC photo session in La Moneda, Chile, on Sunday. 
 (Associated Press / The Spokesman-Review)
Terence Hunt Associated Press

SANTIAGO, Chile – President Bush, trying to mend relations with Latin America, pledged Sunday to make a fresh push for stalled immigration reforms and defended the U.S. invasion of Iraq, saying “history will prove it right.”

While the Iraq war is widely opposed in Latin America, Bush said, “The United States of America will stay the course and we will complete the task.”

Immigration is a sensitive issue throughout the region and Bush said that his proposed immigration initiative would strengthen border security and help the economy.

“We would much rather have security guards chasing down terrorists or drug runners or drug smugglers than people coming to work,” Bush told media. “And so, therefore, I think a guest worker program is important.”

Winding up a three-day visit, Bush spoke at a news conference as a new security spat surfaced with Chile after a fracas in which Bush intervened. But there was no mention of the issue as Bush appeared with Chilean President Ricardo Lagos. On the closing day of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, both Bush and Lagos acknowledged they had disagreed about Iraq. “Most of the time we will be in agreement. Sometimes we won’t,” Lagos said. “But that’s life.”

Bush said he respects Lagos’ decision. “What we’re doing is the right thing in Iraq and history will prove it right,” the president said.

Bush said no one could argue Iraq was better off with Saddam Hussein out of power or dispute the need to support democracy. He mistakenly said Iraq’s elections were planned for June 30 rather than Jan. 30.

Bush said some of the Pacific-Rim leaders at the summit had expressed concern about the declining value of the U.S. dollar.