Make speed bumps more noticeable
There is a problem facing more and more of the senior population. Speed bumps are causing us some nasty falls.
In my particular case, there were no broken bones involved. The right half of my body, from the waist up, still causes a lot of pain when I cough, sneeze or turn over in bed, but I thank God because some falls have been much worse.
How many broken arms, ankles, legs, hips, being knocked unconscious, concussions, etc., is it going to take? One explanation for why this is happening is that as we get older we don’t raise our feet as high when we walk, but also if you are looking for the entrance to a building, your eyes are not on your feet.
I drove around looking at speed bumps in parking lots of supermarkets, home improvement stores, strip malls, etc. Some had scarred, scratched and faded surfaces that were once yellow; others had never been painted, or so it seemed.
Gangs in Spokane spray-paint buildings to mark their territory, why can’t some of these store owners be a little more energetic with their spray cans. How about polka dot, or red, white and blue – be creative.
Please keep the speed bumps noticeable or do away with them!
Frustrated, angry and sore all over.
Cleo Wilson Spokane