Hints from Heloise
Dear Heloise: Here is my idea for a financial binder that I put together for my son. (I am single, so this would be different for couples.) My son is signator on my checking/ savings accounts. We jointly own my home, he has the “right of survivorship,” and his name is on all of my utility accounts.
My binder contains everything from birth to death: my birth certificate, Social Security card, marriage/divorce papers, copies of checking/savings accounts, car title, home title, will, power of attorney, living will, retirement-income information, hospital and life-insurance papers, burial wishes — any piece of paper that will make things easier for loved ones.
You might keep these in your possession, but do let someone know where they are. — Jeanette, via e-mail
Jeanette, getting things in order and all in one place is a smart move. Your hint will help others get started if they haven’t already. — Heloise