Idaho calendar
Singing Valentines – The Sandpoint High School Performing Choir will be offering singing telegrams in the Sandpoint area Saturday through Monday, . For $20, you get a card, a rose and a song. For appointment, call 263-4942. Proceeds will go toward defraying cost of group’s trip to the Heritage Music Festival in Southern California.
Pizza and Politics – 6:30 p.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Tea House, 401 Second St. The event is an opportunity to meet and discuss issues with state and local elected officials and party workers. Cost: $10.
“All in The Timing” – 8 p.m. at the Lake City Playhouse. This is a Black Box production directed by Lee Ja Junker and is intended for mature audiences. Cost: $7. Information: 667-1323.
Coeur d’Alene Winter Celebration – today and Sunday the event combines family activities, shopping and dining and entertainment on Valentine’s weekend. “Sweets for your Sweetheart,” today from 5-8 p.m. is a champagne and dessert tour of downtown. Participating merchants will offer treats from the Project Coeur d’Alene Culinary Arts Program, and restaurants will have dining specials as well as live entertainment. Information: 667-5986.
Lake City Playhouse season tickets sale – for the theater’s 2005-2006 season. Cost: $70 adults, $65 seniors, $65 students and $40 for children. For more information, call the Playhouse at 667-1323.
Sparkling Spur Youth Writing Contest – Students in grades 4-12 are elligible to enter the contest. Theme is short stories set in the American West. Entry deadline is March 5. All entries must be unpublished and original. Enter at
Sweethearts Ball – sponsored by the Post Falls Community Volunteers at the Greyhound Event Center. Doors open at 6 p.m.; dancing, 7-10 p.m. Admission is free, but if you would like a reserved seat on the dance floor for $10, call 773-6872.
Jimmy Heuga’s Snow Express for Multiple Sclerosis – stops at Schweitzer today . More than 20 ski/snowboard teams will compete against the clock, the mountain and other racers to raise money for MS. The overall winner will receive an all-expense paid trip to Vail, Colo., for the finals in April. To register visit or call (800) 831-8810.
“Mining Brushwork” – an exhibit featuring three Seattle-based Chinese artists opens at the Lewis-Clark State College Center for Arts and History, 415 Main St., Lewiston. The event begins with a traditional tea ceremony at 1 p.m. followed by calligraphy and painting demonstrations by the artists. Information: Dale Tucker at 792-2317.
Valentine’s Rock-n-Romance – Dinner dance at the Coeur d’Alene Inn, beginning with a no-host social at 6:30 p.m., followed by a steak and shrimp dinner, silent auction and dancing to the music of the Renovators. Cost: $30. Proceeds will benefit the Lake City High School senior class graduation party. Tickets are available at Java on Sherman, Great Harvest Bread or at the high school. Information: Denise at 769-1406.
No One Shall Die Alone – is giving an orientation training session, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at St. Pius X Catholic Church. Lunch will be provided. For more information, call Chuck or Monica at 765-3230 or leave your name and phone number with Wanda at 765-5108.
Black History Month – “Shades of Black” will be presented by University of Idaho and Washington State University Associated Students of African Descent, 5:30 p.m., UI Student Union Building ballroom. The free event will include dance, music, spoken word, rap performances and poetry.
Art in the Window – 1-4 p.m. Patsey Parsons will be painting oil portraits at Angel Gallery of Fine Arts and Antiques, 423 Sherman Ave. Information: 665-7232.
Lake City Playhouse third annual Arts in Review – from 5:30-9 p.m. at Brix Underground, 317 E. Sherman. Enjoy music from professionals who got their start at the Playhouse, amazing auction items, a no-host bar and Brix’s superb cuisine. For tickets, $60, call the Playhouse at 667-1323.
Seasoned and Single – Class for single seniors looking for loving relationships can learn how to find a mature partner, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at North Idaho College’s Lee-Kildow Hall, Room 207. Cost: $35. Information: 769-3333 or
Open Your Heart Valentines Dance – at the Coeur d’Alene Resort Convention Center. Cost: $20 individual; $35 per couple; $150 for table of eight. Proceeds will benefit the new North Idaho College Health and Sciences Building. Information: 769-5978.
Auditions for “The Jungle Book” – The Missoula Children’s Theatre will hold auditions Monday from 3:30-5:30 at the Sandpoint Charter School, 614 S. Madison, in the multipurpose room. Casting roles for students in grades K-12. No advance preparation is necessary.
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group – will meet Monday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Elmer’s Restaurant, 300 W. Neider Ave. For more information, call Beth at 773-9372.
Scholarship application deadline – Tuesday is the priority deadline for students seeking scholarships and other types of financial aid from the University of Idaho. To learn more about the process, visit finaid/hub_apply.asp or contact UI’s financial aid office at (888) 8-UIDAHO or
Kingston Kids – will meet at The Boat in Smelterville Tuesday, 1 p.m. Information: 786-3882.
Scholarship application deadline – Tuesday is the application deadline for new and transfer students who plan to attend Boise State University in the fall. An application packet must have a completed application form (available at, a $30 nonrefundable fee, official high school and/or official college transcripts or GED score and ACT or SAT scores if you are under 21. Information: (208) 426-1820.