New high school needed for growing student population
I am writing to urge patrons of the Deer Park School District to vote yes for the March 8 high school bond measure. I worked for the Deer Park School District for many years and remember opening the “new” high school. The shortcomings and physical plant problems became apparent within a few years. Now, 25 years have passed, and it is time to upgrade the final, flagship school in the district.
As a resident and business owner in Deer Park, I have seen many positive changes take place in our small town in recent years. Mountain View Meadows, the residential community at the Deer Park Golf Course, is growing rapidly with single-family and condominium housing, and this growth is reflected in the growing student population.
We have renovated and upgraded all the other buildings in the district; now is the time to finish the job. Up-to-date facilities encourage learning, and when people contemplate purchasing a home, they look at the school district in which their children will be students. A new, upgraded high school will promote growth in Deer Park, which in turn will allow established businesses to grow and encourage new businesses to start.
I believe that Deer Park is on the verge of robust expansion; please vote yes on March 8 so we can keep Deer Park moving in its current positive direction.
J. Craig Barrile
Deer Park