Seminars explore pet behavior
People can explore the deeper mysteries of pet behavior at a series of upcoming seminars, taught by animal experts.
Patricia Simonet, an animal behaviorist who has appeared on “Good Morning America,” will share her insights about the latest research in pet emotions on Wednesday.
Among other topics, “I Knew That! The Science of Behavior and Emotions of Our Pets” will explore whether dogs can laugh.
On Jan. 26, Janice Willard, veterinary ethologist and writer, talks about preventing and correcting cat misbehavior in “Litter Box Blues: The Misadventures of Cats.”
“Dog Aggression and Assessment” is taught by veteran dog trainer, Lisa Lucas on Feb. 16. She’ll discuss assessing dog aggression and what to do when confronted by an aggressive dog.
On Feb. 23, Simonet, shares tips on training house cats and the lighter side of cat companionship in “Cat Training 101.”
Seminars are sponsored by Spokane County Regional Animal Care and Protection Service and Volunteers Offering Intermediate Care and Enrichment. Classes start at 7 p.m. and will be held at WSU/Spokane County Cooperative Extension, 222 N. Havana St.
Registration is $8 per person and $5 for members of VOICE. The series of four seminars costs $32 ($20 for VOICE members). To register, call 477-2532.