Idaho calendar
“Take Your Seat” – an exhibit of education-themed paintings by Spokane art teacher MacKenzie Hawley, opens today in the Corner Gallery of Boswell Hall at North Idaho College. Opening reception from 5-7 p.m. Information: 769-3427.
Community Forum on Human Rights and Idaho Public Policy – 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Iron Horse restaurant. Presented by the Idaho Women’s Network.
Art on the Green Poster Contest – The entry deadline is March 21 for the poster contest sponsored by the Citizen’s Council for the Arts. The poster will promote the 37th annual Art on the Green, Aug. 5-7. For more information, visit Submit entries to the offices of Flammia and Solomon, 317 Wallace Ave., or to the council office in the Harding Family Center, 15th and Wallace.
Moscow Arts Commission – Applications for the art exhibit at the Moscow ARTWALK 2005 are being accepted through May 24. The theme is “Moscow: Through the Eyes of Our Artists.” Submit slides or photographs of the work along with a cover letter to Moscow Arts Commission, P.O. Box 9203, Moscow, ID 83843. For additional information, call 883-7036 or contact
Hot Tales to Warm the Spirit – An evening of storytelling Tuesday 6:30 p.m., at the Sandpoint Branch of the East Bonner County Library District, 1407 Cedar St. All ages are invited but the stories will be most appreciated by upper elementary age youths to adult. Information: 263-6930.
AARP Free Tax Help – begins Tuesday at several locations in Coeur d’Alene, Athol, Post Falls, Rathdrum and Kellogg. Call (888) 277-7669 to find the site nearest to you. Bring current year’s tax forms and preparation booklet, copy of last year’s return, W-2’s from all employers, SSA-1099 forms, 1099 forms, all forms indicating federal tax paid, dependent care provider information, receipts if itemizing deductions and social security numbers for all dependents.
Scrap-booking for teens – Tuesday, 4 p.m., in the Youth Department at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library as part of the Winter Reading Program. For information or to register, call 769-2315.
Country Western Gospel Jubilee – Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive, featuring The Victory Quartet. Information: 765-8580.
Comedian at North Idaho College – Idaho native Dan Cummins will perform Tuesday, 7 p.m., in the NIC Activities Center, Edminster Student Union Building. Information: 665-5459.
Community Forum on Human Rights and Idaho Public Policy – Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., La Casa Lopez Mexican Restaurant, 415 S. Main, Moscow. Sponsored by the Idaho Women’s Network.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry – will hold an open house Tuesday, 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m., in the Gold Room of the Wallace Inn, 100 Front St., Wallace. Information: (888) 42ATSDR.
Making Dollar Decisions – The University of Idaho Nutrition Program, a community based education program, is offering free weekly classes to recipients of food stamps or other Health and Welfare programs. This class will be held Tuesday, 9-11 a.m., Coeur d’Alene S.L. Start office, 1323 E. Sherman Suite 5. Story Book Nutrition will be offered for children. Information: 446-1680.
Poetry Slam at the University of Idaho – The Associated Students of UI are sponsoring “Diva Diction,” a trio of slam poets of different cultural backgrounds Tuesday, 7 p.m., UI Student Union Building ballroom. Cost: $5; $3 for students with Vandal card. For tickets, call 885-4636.
Jazz NIC – Three days of jazz clinics conclude with this concert Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., in Boswell Hall’s Schuler Auditorium at North Idaho College. Special guests are Gary and Al Gemberling and Dan Bukvich; 769-7764.