Cancer Patient Care – Volunteers are needed to volunteer with the Carbo Load before the Loreen Miller Bike Ride, June 11-12. For information, call 456-0446.
Fox Theater – Volunteers are needed to conduct tours, assist with research projects, the Fox Art Gallery, fund-raising, building preparation for renovation and construction. Teens are welcome. For information, call Carol Darby at 326-3136, ext. 15 or e-mail caroldarby@spokanesymphony.org.
Friend to Friend – Volunteers are needed to be trained and matched to visit long-term care facility residents with no family in the area. All volunteers are asked to make a one-ear commitment and visit twice a month. For information, call Jan at 483-1600.
Second Harvest Inland Northwest – Project Hands Up needs volunteers on the first Saturday of the month to stock tables and help clients fill boxes and take boxes to their cars. Teens are welcome. For information, call Nicole at 534-6678, ext. 219 or e-mail ngraichen@secondharvest.org.
Union Gospel Mission Ministries – Volunteers are needed as transitional apartment managers, receptionists, cooks, administrative assistants, pro-bono dentists, attorneys and to provide prayer support. Classes are held for volunteers twice a month. For information, call Greg at 535-8510 or e-mail ugmgreg@uniongospel.org.
Women’s and Children’s Free Restaurant – Volunteers are needed for kitchen clean-up crews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lunch and kitchen servers are needed on Fridays. For information, call 324-1995 or e-mail wcfrestaurant@quest.com.