Muscular Dystrophy Association – Volunteers are needed for the MDA Summer Camp. Positions available include camp counselors, medical staff, water safety instructors and activity coordinators. The camp is July 9-16 at Camp Twinlow in Rathdrum, Idaho. Call 325-3747 or e-mail spokaneservices @mdausa.org.
The Lands Council – The Environmental Education Program needs volunteers for the Urban Forest Council, Water Watch and Wildlife Education. Training will be provided and teens are welcome. Volunteers are also needed for media and newsletter production. Call Kitty at 838-4912 or e-mail kklitkze@landscouncil.org.
Women’s and Children’s Free Restaurant – Volunteers are needed for the kitchen cleanup crew on Tuesdays and Thursdays and for lunch and kitchen servers, and shopper’s guides are needed on Fridays. Call 324-1995 or e-mail wcfrestaurant@quest.com.