Are you sensitive?
Your social life might be better than ever, especially if you have a handle on your sensitivity. That’s the thinking of celebrity hair stylist Jason Hayes, the official hair stylist to the Fab Five of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” and David Wygant, author of “Always Talk to Strangers.” These experts offer a few facts and tips for “sensitive daters.”
“Stress, the preoccupation of the ‘90s, has been replaced by the 21st century’s newest lifestyle phenomenon, sensitivity,” says Wygant. Partners should be sensitive to needs; projects are time sensitive; important data is sensitive information. Being sensitive can be an asset, especially in the context of dating, he adds.
As a dating consultant, Wygant sees that sensitivities spark insecurities. For this, he conducts “confidence makeovers.” Another transformation identifies physical hindrances to dating success. The head-to-toe makeover covers procedures like whitening teeth and simple habits like carrying lip balm and tissues.
Exercise and attire make the list, but among the most important matters are hair and scalp.
Hayes, the hair stylist, recommends:
“ Safeguard hair and scalp from pollution by using a gentle cleanser to remove particles that can irritate.
“ Use a gentle cleanser formulated with moisturizers. Head & Shoulders Sensitive Care is a professional-quality shampoo that moisturizes to soothe dry, sensitive scalp, effectively prevents symptoms of dandruff and leaves hair shiny and soft.
“ Wear a cap or hat — particularly if you have fair skin or light-colored hair-to protect hair and scalp from the sun.
“ Take a break from excess heat sources such as blow-drying, flat-ironing and curling. Women can try wearing hair in a ponytail or with a glamorous clip; men can brush it back loosely with a small amount of gel while wet.
These simple tips to care for a sensitive scalp and hair can be a quick, effective confidence makeover for anyone.