Recreation calendar
July 23-24: Fourth annual Big Sky Hoops 3-on-3 tournament in Anaconda, Mont., third grade and older. Five guaranteed games. Registration deadline July 18. Info: Bill Hill, (406) 563-8208 or (406) 560-1197.
Aug. 5-7: The Hanford Falcons Girls Basketball Program will hold its second annual Girls Summer Hoopfest Tournament for varsity and junior varsity teams in Richland. The cost is $175 per team or $150 per team if more than one team is entered from the same school. Info: Mike DePeel (509) 967-3541.
June 25-26: Hiking and trail work in the Kettle Crest and Hoodoo Canyon areas of northeastern Washington. Camping at a Colville National Forest campground with potluck barbecue. Meet 7 a.m. Saturday at Lewis and Clark High School, 521 W. Fourth. Info: 747-1663.
June 25: Jackass Jam Cross Country WIM Series Finals at Silver Mountain. Start times vary. Fees: $19-$32. Info: 455-7657.
June 26: Jackass Jam Downhill WIM Series Finals at Silver Mountain. Start times vary. Fees: $19-$32. Info: 455-7657.
June 30: Fourth round of Heroes and Legends Sunset Mountain Bike Series, 6:30 p.m. at Beacon Hill. Fees: $10 per race, $5 for one-day NORBA license and insurance. Info: 455-7657.
July 6: First round of SISNA Twilight Mountain Bike Series, 4:30 p.m. at Schweitzer Mountain Resort. Series will run each Wednesday in July. Fees: $10 per race, $35 for series (solo); $90 three-person team; $120 four-person team. Info: (800) 831-8810.
June 27-29: Free speed and agility camp, 6:30-8 p.m. at Gonzaga Prep, grades 7-8. Info: Bob Linebarger, 443-0377.
Multievent sports
July 23: Tiger Tri in Colville. One-kilometer swim, 28-mile bike, 6.55-mile run. Registration deadline July 8. Fees: $50 individual, $90 team. Info:
July 4: BRRC July 4th Fun Run, 8 a.m. at Moran Prairie School, 4424 E 57th. Donations to food bank accepted.
July 16: Davenport’s 28th Annual Pioneer Plod, 8 a.m. at Davenport City Park. Registration deadline July 6. Fees: $12 with T-shirt, $6 without. Info: Gene Hein, 725-0981, or Betty Beebe, 725-5131.
July 17: Newman Lake 25K and 5K Fun Run, 6:30 a.m. at Newman Lake. Registration deadline July 9. Fees: $20 for race, breakfast and shirt; $15 for race and breakfast or shirt; $10 for race only. Info: Tom, 924-3293, or Von, 954-3545.
July 23: Second annual Spokane Indians 8K Pennant Race & Family Walk, 8 a.m. on Centennial Trail downtown. Proceeds benefit The Children’s Museum of Spokane. Fees: $15 by July 15; includes T-shirt and ticket to Indians game that night. Info: Jared Rose, 539-2922.
July 31: The Original Bare Buns Fun Run, 9:30 a.m. at Kaniksu Ranch Family Nudist Park. Fees: $18 by July 1; includes T-shirt. Info: 327-6833.
August 4: Selkirk Nordic Junior Racing Team Sommer Langlauf, 7 p.m. on Mt. Spokane. Ten-kilometer trail run starts at Selkirk Lodge. Fees: $10 before July 28.
June 25: Panhandle Yacht Club open house, noon-5 p.m. on Lake Coeur d’Alene. Club entrance is 1 mile past Squaw Bay Resort.
Sign up: North Idaho College Outdoor Pursuits sailing clinics on the NIC beach. Four-session clinics will run Thursdays in July from 5:30-8 p.m. for adults and Saturdays from 8-10:30 a.m. for youth. Fees: $40. Info: (208) 769-7809.
July 25-29: USSF referee entry level clinic, 6-8:30 p.m. at Discovery School, 323 S. Grant. USSF registration and testing July 29, 8:30-10 p.m. Fees; $25 for clinic, $35 for USSF registration. Info:
Sign up: Valley Youth Soccer League for Fall 2005 and Spring 2006. Fees: $35 ages 4-7, $45 ages 8 and older. Info: 922-7080.
August 6: Lake Pend Oreille Long Bridge Swim, 9 a.m. in Sandpoint, 2.5-mile swim. Registration deadline July 9. Fees: $12 with T-shirt, $7 without. Info: Eric Ridgway, (208) 265-5412.
Water sports
June 26: Free wakeboard demo, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at Honeysuckle Beach and boat landing at Hayden Lake. Info: (208) 667-6994.
Continuing: Evening walking program for ages 18 and older sponsored by Spokane Parks and Recreation, Monday and Thursday from 6-6:45 p.m. around South Hill and Downtown areas. Info: 625-6200.