Childbirth and Parenting Alone (Program – Volunteer mentors are needed for the Doula project to provide encouragement and support to single parents through the birthing and early parenting months. Must be a parent, at least 26 years old and have a high school education. For more information, call Bonnie at 325-7667 or send e-mail to bdeabler@dioceseofspokane.org.
Second Harvest Inland Northwest – Volunteers with a knowledge of vegetable gardening are needed for the Community Gardens project to provide support to gardeners. For more information, call Pat at 534-6678, ext. 600, or send e-mail to srmunts@mindspring.com.
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture – Volunteers are needed to help with ArtFest 2005 on June 3-5 in Coeur d’Alene Park in Browne’s Addition. For more information, call David Brum at 363-5324 or send e-mail to david@northwestmuseum.org.