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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community update

Anniversary celebration

Cheney United Methodist Church, 204 Fourth St., Cheney, is celebrating 125 years of worship Sunday with two special services.

The church was founded on Nov. 25, 1880, by the Rev. D.G. Strong when he came to Cheney to hold a religious service. The service was held in a butcher shop.

One of the church’s historical features is a pipe organ that was partially donated by Andrew Carnegie and local resident Mary Betz.

Sunday’s first service at 8:30 a.m. will be followed by a continental breakfast. The service at 11 will be followed by a light lunch.

For more information, call the church office at 235-4600.

Veterans’ evensong at St. John’s

A choral evensong honoring veterans will be performed Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 127 E. 12th Ave.

Evensong is a traditional, centuries-old service for reflection and to pray for protection through the night.

The men of the cathedral choir will sing the “Magnificat” and “Nunc Dimittis” by Peter Mathews. The anthem will be “The Mansions of the Lord” from the movie “We Were Soldiers.”

The Rev. Paul Lebens-Englund will preside; the Rev. John Holloway, M.D., will offer the meditation; and Janet Satre Ahrend, organist/choirmaster of the cathedral, and the Rev. Daniel Werning will conduct the choir.

The cathedral will be open for tours from noon to 4 p.m. Events are free; donations will be accepted.

For more, information call 838-4277.


“ The Southside Senior Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave., is the site for the seventh annual penny auction and luncheon to benefit the missions, special needs and music programs of Moran Methodist Church today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Bags of auction tickets will be sold for $2, $5 or $10, and there will be gift baskets and donations from area businesses for sale.

Lunch will include submarine sandwiches, chips, beverages and dessert.

For more information, call 448-7102.

“ Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, 4340 W. Fort George Wright Drive, is hosting the United Nations Association in a Night of a Thousand Dinners potluck Monday at 6 p.m.

The event is to raise awareness of the problems land mines cause in more than a third of the countries of the world.

There is a suggested minimum donation of $10 at the door. Guests are invited to bring a dinner dish to share.

For more information, call Jo Stowell at 624-3608 or Marion Moos at 747-2407.

Community breakfast

Heritage Congregational Church, 1801 E. 29th Ave., is hosting a community pancake breakfast today from 8 to 11 a.m.

The purpose of the breakfast is to strengthen ties in the community. The breakfast is free, but donations will be accepted.

For more information, call 624-5090.

Fall bazaars

“ Cheney Church of the Nazarene, 338 Betz Road, Cheney, is offering a craft fair today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The event will feature booths and concessions.

For more information, call the church office at 235-6261.

“ Manito United Methodist Church, 3220 S. Grand Blvd., is presenting a fall craft bazaar today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For more information, call the church office at 747-4755.


“ Chagdud Gonpa Padma Ling, 1014 W. Seventh Ave., is presenting Jigme Rinpoche today and Sunday at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. both days.

Rinpoche will discuss Vajrasattva Empowerment, an essential initiation of Vajrayana Buddhism.

There is a suggested donation of $10 for each session.

For more information, call Padma Ling at 747-1559 or send e-mail to

“ The Unity Center, 4123 E. Lincoln Road, is presenting Tony Masiello, a speaker, author and consultant today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Masiello will present a Dare Yourself seminar that will discuss improving your life by setting and meeting goals.

Admission is by a suggested donation of $35. Participants should bring a sack lunch.

For more information, call 325-1989.

“ The Radha Yoga Center, 406 S. Coeur d’Alene St., Suite T, is offering a course called Meditation on the Light today from 10 a.m. to noon.

The class will discuss focusing your imagination on the expressions of the divine and experiencing its clarifying effect.

The cost is $10.

For more information, call the center at 838-3575 or visit

“ Kari Wagler is offering a workshop, Angel Guidance, Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Providence Center for Faith and Healing at Sacred Heart Medical Center, 101 W. Eighth Ave.

Wagler will discuss recognizing angel guidance when it comes to you, asking for and receiving guidance, becoming comfortable will listening to guidance for others, and more.

She also will host a two-day angel guidance workshop next Saturday and Nov. 20, also at the Providence Center.

For more information, call 534-7374 or visit

Families seminar

David Crowe, founder of Restore America, will present a seminar, “The Future of Washington Families,” next Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Timberview Christian Fellowship, 15511 N. Howe, Mead.

Crowe, an ordained minister and political activist, was a leader in last fall’s successful Oregon campaign for a state constitutional amendment that defined marriage as one man, one woman.

Admission is $10; participants may purchase or bring food. Registration deadline is Wednesday, online at or by calling 468-4363.

Christian singles

Spokane Christian Singles is offering anther opportunity for speed dating for single Catholics and Protestants.

Singles in their 20s, 30s and 40s will meet today at 7 p.m. at Colbert Presbyterian Church, 4211 E. Colbert Road.

The cost is $10 for your first visit, and $5 for every visit after that.

For more information, call 226-7674.