How much might portable typewriters be worth?
Q: I have a Remington typewriter in its original case. It is the “Streamliner” model, and I would like to find out more about it. — Betty, Marion, Ill.
A: The only Remington typewriter referenced in the 4th edition of Warman’s Flea Market Price Guide, edited by Ellen T. Schroy (Krause Publications, $21.99), is the Noiseless portable in its original case, listed for $50. That sounds close to what your machine is worth.
Q: I have inherited a large collection of postage stamps and would like to have it appraised for sale purposes. I spoke to one dealer who wanted $25 per hour to examine my stamps, but that sounded quite high. — Dorothy (no hometown listed)
A: That actually sounds rather cheap. Remember, when you hire an appraiser you generally get what you pay for. Put another way, the cheapest price is not always a bargain. It might be best if you begin your search by contacting an established club for collectors. Three of the better ones are the Atlanta Stamp Collectors Club, 2442 King Point Drive, Atlanta, GA 30338; United States Stamp Society, P.O. Box 722, Westfield, NJ 07091; and American Philatelic Congress, P.O. Box 8171, Cincinnati, OH 45208.
Q: I have an organ that plays paper rolls. It was patented in 1897. How much is it worth? — George, Chelsea, Vt.
A: Todd Augsburger, owner of Todd Augsburger’s Roller Organs, can help you. His address is 30 North Main St., Kenton, OH 43326. When writing anyone mentioned in this column, always enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope and be patient. An answer can often take several weeks or more.
Q: I have a Redondo Beach high school yearbook from 1965 showing a rather timid Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme of Charles Manson fame. Would anyone be interested in this unusual item? — Dee (no hometown listed)
A: Rick Synchef collects “hippie” items, including most counterculture materials from the 1960s and ‘70s, and your annual might intrigue him. His address is 208 Summit Drive, Corte Madera, CA 94924.