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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


The Spokesman-Review

Waterfowl hunters face safety challenges that the average land-based hunter does not.

The complicating factor is water.

The tips below dealing with firearm safety, weather and water safety are taught at Montana’s Youth Waterfowl Hunting Safety workshops. They’re a good starting point for safe waterfowl hunting.

Firearms safety

• Shoot only when a bird clears head level or higher.

• Watch the muzzle while making the stalk – open the action.

• Be extra careful during loading and unloading your gun around other hunters and their dogs.

• Know where your partners and the other hunters are at all times.

• Never shoot in your partner’s direction, and consider sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with hunting partners to prevent stray shots.

• Decide which side of the blind is your shot ahead of time and stick to it.

• Only two hunters should shoot at any flock.

• Only one hunter should shoot at a single bird.

• Be careful of your footing, open the action when moving or wading.

• If you do fall, check your firearm carefully for barrel obstructions, mud in the action or other effects of water or mud that may hamper the safety firearm.


Waterfowl hunters are among the highest risk group for hypothermia because of their proximity to water, wind and poor weather conditions.

If you fall in — go home! Or, take a break and change into warm, dry clothes. Be prepared to build a warming fire. Without a readily available heat source, hypothermia can set in very quickly if you are wet, even in relatively mild weather. To stay warm and avoid hypothermia:

• Wear wool clothing or clothing that stays warm when wet, like some fleece products. Bring extras in a waterproof bag.

• Control wind and wetness by using appropriate waterproof shells, jackets, waders and boots.

• Bring a variety of high energy and high sugar content food bars for quick energy/calories.

• Wear a hat. Most warmth escapes through your head.

• Your extremities are very important. It’s no fun to hunt with cold feet, hands or head. Bring chemical hand warmers for emergencies.

Boat safety

Hunters in boats are near, in, and floating on bodies of water and wearing heavy clothing that restricts swimming ability.

Though a life jacket may be bulky, it will still keep a hunter afloat if it’s the appropriate size. Consider wearing a life jacket designed for waterfowl hunters called a “float coat”. They come in different camo patterns, provide excellent protection from cold, wind and rain and prolong survival time if the waterfowl hunter falls overboard. A float coat can replace your regular hunting coat while also serving as your PFD.

While preparing for the hunt, don’t forget, if you plan to use a motorboat, to check to be sure the boat is in good working condition, with enough gas for the trip to prevent you from being stranded or breaking down.

Take the proactive steps to reduce your chances of drowning by following common sense and boating regulations to protect you and your passengers.