Spokane calendar
Valleyfest – 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. at Mirabeau Park, pancake breakfast, children’s activities, food, music and more. Activities are also scheduled at the nearby Valley YMCA and the new CenterPlace. The day ends with a free showing of “Shrek 2” in the park at 7:30 p.m. Free shuttle service is available at the Valley Mall and the business park at Mirabeau and Pines. Visit www.valleyfest.org or call 922-3299.
Child safety-seat check – Technicians will be on hand during the free event to inspect child safety seats and make sure they are properly installed, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Dishman Dodge, 7700 E. Sprague. 324-3613.
Five Mile Prairie Day – 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Five Mile Prairie Grange at the corner of Five Mile and Strong Roads. There will be a classic car show, two fun runs, bake sale, silent auction, farmers’ market, craft show, kids activities, food, music and a jumping castle; 468-8344.
TrailFest – Sunday, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Mirabeau Meadows; includes 5K run, inline poker skate, cyclist scavenger hunt, interactive booths, lunch and prize drawings; sponsored by the Friends of the Centennial Trail; $25; www.spokanecentennialtrail.org; 624-7188.
Benefit organ concert – John Bodinger and Friends will perform Sunday, 3 p.m., Manito Presbyterian Church, 410 E. 30th; donations will benefit Camp Fire USA; 747-6191, ext. 20.
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Meeting – Monday, 1-3 p.m., Hospitality House Senior Center, 216 S. Washington St., Newport. Sponsored by Rural Resources Community Action. Call (800) 776-9026.
Women’s Club of Spokane card party – The club is looking for people to play pinochle and bridge, Monday, noon-3 p.m., 1428 W. Ninth. Bring a sandwich; dessert will be provided; $2; 838-5667.
AARP driving class – Monday and Tuesday, 1-5 p.m., Public Service Building, 310 N. Main St., Colfax; call 397-4385.
Peace and Justice Action League – An evening of socializing for members or those interested in becoming members, Tuesday, 6-9 p.m., Community Building, 35 W. Main; 838-7870.
Spokane College Women’s Association luncheon – Wednesday, 11 a.m., Red Lion River Inn, 700 N. Division; guest speaker is author Mary Jane Butters of Moscow, Idaho; $13; reservations are required by Sept. 24. 465-0362.
North Wall Schools open house – Learn about North Wall Elementary School and the North Wall Child Development Center, Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., 9408 N. Wall. Reservations are requested. 466-2695.
Poetry reading – Whitworth professor Nadine Chapman will read poetry from her recently published collection “On Solitude,” Friday, 7:30 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main; 777-4792.
Oktoberfest – Hosted by the German-American Society of Spokane, next Saturday, 6 p.m., Deutsches Haus, 25 W. Third. Music, dancing, German beer, wine, food; $10; reservations, 325-1113 or 443-1507.
National Weather Service open house – Meet forecasters, watch a weather balloon launch, take a tour and more; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. next Saturday at 2610 N. Rambo Road; 224-0110, ext. 222.
Compass Club luncheon – The women’s club for welcoming newcomers into the area will gather for a luncheon and tour at the Northern Lights Brewery at the corner of Trent and Hamilton, Oct. 4, 11 a.m.; $15; reservations, 465-8163.
Diversity discussion – Oct. 5, 1-3 p.m., PUB Multipurpose Room, Eastern Washington University campus; guest speaker, Nan Aki Linder, will discuss discrimination, stereotypes and bias; 359-2898.
Japanese cooking – Classes held 6-8 p.m. every Thursday in October cover cooking and culture, Japanese Cultural Center, 4000 W. Randolph Road; registration deadline is next Saturday; $10 per class; 328-2971.
Hispanic Heritage celebration – The Hispanic/Latino Resource Center will host a traditional Hispanic dinner and entertainment in honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m., East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone; reservation deadline is Oct. 4; $10, $7 for seniors; 455-6706 or 448-4840.
Quilt show – The 27th annual “Magic of Quilting” show at the Spokane Convention Center hosted by the Spokane Chapter of the Washington State Quilters, Oct. 7, noon-8 p.m.; Oct. 8, 10 a.m.-7 pm.; Oct. 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; $5; free for children 11 and under; 443-2319.
Uzbekistan Fulbright Scholar speaks – Nodira Azimova, professor of sociology and anthropology at Taskent University will speak on Uzbek women’s role in their society, Oct. 11, noon-1 p.m., Monroe Hall, Room 207, Eastern Washington University campus; 359-2898.
AmeriCorps – This group is offering on-the-job training in the housing construction industry to those ages 18-25. The group is also looking for tutors for at-risk high school students and a volunteer coordinator/trainer, 18 years or older, to provide activities for AmeriCorp members. For information about any of these opportunities, call 456-7660.
Host Families Needed – Council Educational Travel USA is looking for host families for foreign exchange students. Students must pass an English proficiency test, will come with their own spending money and are fully insured. For information, call Gina Polignoni at 362-4549.