Inside this week’s issue
Price of paint going up
Following the spike in the price of petroleum, paint prices are rising fast.
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Striking up a collectable
Match striker from the early 1900s has value to some collectors.
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Backyard haven
It may have taken 30 years, but Dodie Gerding has the garden she wants.
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Remedies that work
The Carey brothers have list of tips for tackling jobs around the house.
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Organizing life at the lake
Making good use of lake place takes coordination and organization.
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Initial reactions are critical
Real Simple offers tips on how to handle big events from a lost pet to a lost job.
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Planting for the future
Carrie Anderson’s efforts are helping ensure urban forests in the area.
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Battling bindweed
Don’t let the delicate flower fool you, bindweed is a tenacious gardening foe.
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Retrain your cat
Teach kitty to use the litter box and spare your home.
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