Web site offers information about drug use
Name of program: www.theantidrug.com
What it does: This Web site is a resource for parents with children who may be or are using drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
The site provides information about the effects of different drugs, what the signs are if a teen is using, and where to find help to get the teen clean. There is specific information about the effects of LSD, marijuana, ketamine, inhalants, alcohol, tobacco and more.
There is also information for parents about how to talk to their teenagers about drugs and alcohol and to keep these conversations going.
There are personal stories from parents, former users and doctors, and parents can take a quiz to find out how well they know their kids.
Who runs it: The Web site was created by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.
Typical clients: The site has information for parents and teens, especially kids that are of middle school ages and particularly vulnerable to drug, alcohol and tobacco use.
The goal of the site is to get information to families of all economic and cultural backgrounds.
How to help: The Anti Drug provides volunteer information for anyone looking to help keep kids involved in extracurricular activities. There is information about how to volunteer at the Girl Scouts of America, the YMCA, Dads and Daughters, and Youth Service America.