Enclosed are photos of a No. 2 Universal Food Chopper that was my mother’s; it was made by Landers, Frary and Clark of New Britain, Conn. I still have the original box, although it is pretty well “beat up.” Could you tell me how old it is and its value?
This table-mounted grinder carries a patent date of 1900, but since it was made for years after that, placing an exact date on it will be difficult. Produced in a range of sizes, depending on household or commercial use, the Universal was manufactured of sturdy and durable cast iron. We know that yours initially belonged to your mother, so let’s call it 60-70 years old, which means that according to a major price guide, it’s worth about $20-$30.
Dear Collector,
My son has quite a collection of Liberty dimes, and I wonder if they have any value other than 10 cents? They are not in mint condition, but I know I have not seen any in circulation lately.
I think you’re referring to Mercury dimes (which have a depiction of Liberty in a winged helmet resembling the mythological messenger of the gods) that were minted from 1916 to 1945. Most coins styles have a run of only 15-30 years, after which they are replaced by a new design. In the case of your coin, the Roosevelt dime, is still in circulation. Because of the high silver content (90 percent) your coins have a bullion value of at least 50 cents each.
Dear Collector,
I have many years of old Fate magazines; the size of Reader’s Digest. Have they any value?
Fate, first appearing in 1948, this publication involves itself with offbeat topics such as UFOs, hauntings, paranormal activities and cryptozoology (mysterious, rarely seen animals). You forgot to include the age of your magazines, and as fate would have it, without that information I cannot give you their values.
Dear Collector,
My late husband found this blue “Kilmer’s Swamp Root” bottle many years ago in an old house being demolished in our neighborhood. I don’t want to know what it’s worth, but I would like to know how old it is.
A physician, Sylvester Andral Kilmer invented quite a line of medicines, including his panacea for bladder and kidney conditions concocted from mostly natural ingredients and enough alcohol (about 10 percent) to make the imbiber forget his minor ailments. Research shows your husband’s find dates from the 1870s or ‘80s.
Dear Collector,
In your research have you ever come across something called a “Kit-Cat”?
I think you’re referencing a type of drinking vessel named for Christopher “Kit” Catling, an 18th century English tavern keeper.
Dear Collector,
Please tell me what this Hitachi transistor radio is worth?
Manufactured in Japan, your TH-666 plastic-cased radio was one of the earlier shirt pocket models. My older brother acquired one during his service in Korea, and I remember listening to WMEX, my favorite Boston rock ‘n roll station. Right now, an example in working order is worth almost $75.