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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Best-selling books

The Spokesman-Review


1. “The Husband”

Dean Koontz (Bantam, $27)

2. “Beach Road”

James Patterson and Peter de Jonge (Little, Brown, $27.95)

3. At Risk”

Patricia Cornwell (Putnam, $21.95)

4. The Book of the Dead”

Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (Warner, $25.95)

5. The Cold Moon”

Jeffrey Deaver (Simon & Schuster, $26)

6. “Dead Watch”

John Sandford (Putnam, $26.95)

7. “Dark Side of the Moon”

Sherrilyn Kenyon (St. Martin’s, $19.95)

8. Killer Dreams”

Iris Johansen (Bantam, $26)

9. “The Hard Way”

Lee Child (Delacorte, $25)

10. “Betrayal”

Aaron Allston (Lucas/Del Rey/Ballantine, $25.95)


1. “Dispatches From the Edge”

Anderson Cooper (HarperCollins, $24.95)

2. “Marley & Me”

John Grogan (Morrow, $21.95)

3. “Wisdom of Our Fathers”

Tim Russert (Random House, $22.95)

4. “The World is Flat”

Thomas L. Friedman (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $27.50/$30)

5. “Mayflower”

Nathaniel Philbrick (Viking, $29.95)

6. “Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity”

John Stossel (Hyperion, $24.95)

7. “Freakonomics”

Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner (Morrow, $25.95)

8. “My Life In & Out of the Rough”

John Daly with Glen Waggoner (HarperCollins, $25.95)

9. “Don’t Make A Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings”

Tyler Perry (Riverhead, $23.95)

10. “Beyond Band of Brothers”

Dick Winters with Cole C. Kingseed (Berkley, $24.95)

Paperback fiction

1. The Da Vinci Code”

Dan Brown (Anchor, $14.95/$7.99)

2. Blue Smoke”

Nora Roberts (Jove, $7.99)

3. 4th of July”

James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (Warner Vision, $9.99)

4. The Jury”

Fern Michaels (Zebra, $6.99)

5. Angels & Demons”

Dan Brown (Pocket Star, $7.99)

6. The Devil Wears Prada”

Lauren Weisberger (Broadway, $13.95/Anchor, $7.99)

7. Cordina’s Royal Family: Bennett & Camilla”

Nora Roberts (Silhouette, $7.99)

8. Miracle”

Danielle Steele (Dell, $7.50)

9. Summer of Roses”

Luanne Rice (Bantam, $7.50)

10. A Wedding in December”

Anita Shreve (Back Bay, $14.95)

Paperback nonfiction

1. “Night” (new translation)

Elie Wiesel (Hill & Wang, $9)

2. “In Cold Blood”

Truman Capote (Vintage, $14)

3. “An Inconvenient Truth”

Al Gore (Rodale, $21.95)

4. “Holy Blood, Holy Grail”

Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln (Delta, $15/Dell, $7.99)

5. “The Tipping Point”

Malcolm Gladwell (Back Bay/Little, Brown, $14.95)

6. “My Friend Leonard”

James Frey (Riverhead, $15)

7. “The Glass Castle”

Jeannette Walls (Scribner, $14)

8. “Flags of Our Fathers”

James Bradley with Ron Powers (Bantam, $14/$7.99)

9. “Eats, Shoots & Leaves”

Lynne Truss (Gotham, $11)

10. “The Devil in the White City”

Erik Larson (Vintage, $14.95)