Fashion show ejects 5 too-thin models
MADRID, Spain – Organizers of Spain’s top annual fashion show on Saturday rejected five models as being too thin to appear in this year’s event.
The show, known as the Pasarela Cibeles, had decided earlier this month not to allow women below a predetermined body mass index to parade down the catwalk.
Doctors Susana Monereo of Spain’s National Endocrinology Society and Basilio Moreno, an obesity consultant at Gregorio Maranon Hospital, were among the specialists called on to medically assess the models.
Five of the 68 models who showed up for appraisal failed the test, the doctors said. The models were over 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighed less than 121.25 pounds, Monereo said.
“They had a body mass index below, well below, that which is considered normal not just by the Spanish endocrinology society, whom we represent, but also by the limits set by the World Health Organization,” Monereo said.
Each model was allowed to appear at the examination accompanied by an agent and a representative from the fashion industry.
The show, which starts Monday and runs until Friday, wanted to project an image of beauty, elegance and health, and also banned makeup that makes models appear sickly, organizer Cuca Solana said.
“Clearly we don’t want walking skeletons,” Solana said.