Idaho Clubs
Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club – meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.; for location, call Barbara Tibbs at (208) 265-4084.
Full Gospel Businessmen International – meets 7:30 a.m. on Fridays at the Prime Time Grill on Spokane Street in Post Falls; (208) 773-2089.
Grandmothers – Coeur d’Alene chapter of the national organization meets at 1 p.m. the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive; group aims to raise funds for area’s needy; (208) 667-4628.
Happy Family Club – homemakers meet each month; for meeting details, call (208) 664-6543 or (208) 667-2939.
Hayden Lake Lions Club – meets the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Sandtrap Restaurant; new members welcome; (208) 667-8944.
Hayden Lake Senior Center Pinochle – Mondays, 1-4 p.m.; Rummy Cube Tuesday, 1-4 p.m.; and jackpot bingo Wednesdays, 1-4 p.m.; at the center, 9428 N. Government Way; (208) 704-1038 or (208) 772-1795.
Hayden Lake Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9831 – meets the first Tuesday of the month with a potluck at 6 p.m. and meeting at 7 at 650 W. Lancaster; (208) 664 8702.
Hoodoo Valley Hoedowners Square Dance Club – meets the first Friday and third Saturdays of the month; for location and times, call (208) 664-8337.
Idaho Association of Legal Secretaries – meets the second Tuesday of the month at the Perkins Restaurant; Elisa or Jodi, (208) 772-6011.
Coeur d’ Alene Dharma Friends - meets first and third Thursdays of each month, 6:30 p.m., Life Center Therapies for Well Being, 1319 N. Government Way; includes meditation and study in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition; (208) 665-5862.
Idaho Road Runners – meets the second Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., IHOP restaurant 2301 N. Fourth St.; (208) 665-9393.
Inland Northwest Water Colorists – meets the third Saturday of the month, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Heritage Place, 702 W. Walnut Ave.; bring paints and a sack lunch; all levels of experience welcome; (208) 687-1067.
Kinnikinnik Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society – meets on the fourth Saturday of the month, 9:45 a.m., Sandpoint Community Hall, S. First Ave.; (208) 265-2674.
Kiwanis Club of the Idaho Panhandle – meets Wednesdays, 7 a.m., Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive; (208) 765-2020.
Kootenai County Democratic Club – meets for lunch, speakers and controversial topics on Fridays, noon, Iron Horse Restaurant, 407 Sherman Ave.; (208) 666-9711 or (208) 777-1588.
Kootenai Democratic Women’s Caucus – meets the last Thursday of every month, except July, noon, Michael D’s Eatery, 203 E. Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive; group promotes women for political office; call Shirley, (208) 773-1497.
Kootenai County Republican Central Committee – meets the third Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m., the Kootenai County Administration Building, south entrance, Meeting Room 1A; (208) 765-8259.