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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


The Spokesman-Review

Excerpts from discussions on the Parents Council blog this week.

My kids won’t stop talking: “Imagine yourself carpooling with two people who want to chat with each other while you are expected to remain quiet in the back seat. Add excitement and immaturity and impulsivity to the mix and maybe a car isn’t the best place to expect privacy.

“How about books on tape to engage him or rewarding him with a read aloud if he’s quiet for 15 minutes? Books and markers and looking out the window get pretty boring after about 30 miles when you’re 9.” – Posted by Jennine

Teens drinking at home: “The thing to remember is that the legal drinking age for the state of Washington is 21 years. It applies whether you are in a bar, at a party, or in your own home.

“It is a parent’s responsibilty to enforce and emphasize those laws to the child. To say that the law doesn’t apply at home or with parents set a bad precedent for the future.” – Posted by Mark Utley

Smartest in the family: “Scientists found the IQs of firstborns were two to three points higher than their younger siblings. They surmise ‘that older children are showered with attention early in life and treated as leaders within the family…’

“Great. My firstborn already thinks the rest of the family, especially his parents, are idiots. Now he’s got ammo.

“What say you?” – Posted by Cindy H.

The S-R Parents Council is a group of readers that gets together online and in person to discuss issues important to families in the Inland Northwest, and how the newspaper can improve its coverage.

Our next meeting is Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. If you’re interested in attending, contact Ken Paulman at or (509) 459-5480.

Or you can join the discussion at blogs/parents.


Strawberry-picking celebration

Saturday and Sunday at Greenbluff, northeast of Spokane. For more information, go to

Laser light show

Half-hour, narrated story on how and why the Grand Coulee Dam came to be built. Shows nightly at 10 p.m. through July 31, 9:30 p.m. throughout August, and at 8:30 p.m. throughout September at the dam, located about 90 miles northwest of Spokane.

For more events, turn to Family Notes on page B3, or search our calendar: