The Slice
OK, where were we.
Oh, yeah. I asked readers to keep sending me stuff even though I was not at work last week.
Thanks to all of those who did.
In one case, I had asked how readers might describe themselves if writing a letter to the editor.
“As a library supporter and dachshund lover…,” said Maggie Fritz.
“As an avid mountaineer and former professional photographer…,” wrote Rick Casemore.
“As a recipient of a vasectomy and father of nine…,” wrote Jeffrey Guilford.
In the matter of how to note the Ides of March, Bridget Freeman said she knows what she would have done if she had given birth to twin boys on March 15. “I’d name them Julius and Brutus,” she wrote.
The ideal personality profile for a youth-sports coach? Tim Osborn suggested that Atticus Finch of “To Kill a Mockingbird” would be a fine model.
If you could speak a second language? Gary Smith said that, for the sake of practicality, he would select Spanish. But, “for intellectual and spiritual adventure, I think I would choose Salish.”
Gary Polser would opt for “Whatever language it is that lawyers use to write legal documents.”
Another reader said “Dog.”
In the matter of nicknames for area newspapers, several readers noted that “Press” conveniently rhymes with “Mess.”
Others said “Bee” is easily replaced with “Bumble.”
And, of course, a couple of respondents exhumed “Socialist Review.”
In other news, Cathy Donovan shared a name-game story.
“Our youngest daughter is named Erin,” she wrote.
When she was 7, Erin found herself getting a ride to school with a group that included a new boy named Aaron.
Erin’s mom was driving. As she pulled away, Aaron’s mother called out, “Bye, Aaron — I love you!”
Before the lad had a chance to respond, young Erin waved back and said, “Bye, I love you, too!”
Then she turned to her mother and asked, “Who was that?”
Donovan was impressed with her daughter’s politeness.
In other feedback, Diana Lawson saw my short item about local TV personalities not always making good event emcees. “Geez, Paul,” she wrote. “Some of our local TV personalities don’t even make good TV personalities.”
Speaking of TV, Richard T. Brown on the South Hill said KREM reporter Lee Stoll reminds him of the Mona Lisa.
OK. Let’s move on.
“Today’s Slice question: Does anyone ever re-harvest the potatoes that fall off trucks in and around Moses Lake?