Arts calendar
“Mary, Mary” – Pend Oreille Players Association, Monday and Tuesday, 7 p.m. at 121 Spokane St., Newport, Wash. Needed: three men to appear 30-60 and two women to appear 20-30s. Auditioners should be familiar with the script and will be asked to read from it. Performance dates: May 11-20. Call (208) 255-2278.
“Hedwig and the Angry Inch” – March 31, noon at the downtown Spokane Library meeting room, 906 W. Main. Needed: one man and one woman, both strong singers. Auditioners must be comfortable with sexual subject matter and prepare a monologue of a minute or less and an a cappella pop/rock song. Call (509) 954-8874.
Playwrights’ Forum Festival – Spokane Civic Theatre, April 16 and 17, 7 p.m. at the theater, 1020 N. Howard. Numerous men and women of all ages are needed for plays during the festival. Auditioners should prepare a one-minute contemporary monologue and be prepared to read cold from a script. Performance dates: June 7-16. Call (509) 325-1413.
Classes and workshops
Glaze Workshop – Learn the glazing process from start to finish, Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. at the Spokane Potters’ Guild, 1404 N. Fiske. Cost: $10 for guild members, $15 for nonmembers. Call (509) 532-8225 to register.
Call for writers
Murder in the Grove Mystery Contest – Previously unpublished authors are invited to submit four copies of the first 20 pages of a mystery novel, plus four copies of a synopsis no more than five pages long, to the Popular Fiction Association of Idaho. All entries will receive detailed feedback from professional literary agents. Entry fee: $25. Entries, plus a self-addressed, stamped envelope, can be mailed to P.O. Box 4762, Boise, ID 83711. Visit for full rules. The deadline is March 31. Call (208) 375-8230.
Writers Competition – The Coeur d’Alene Public Library’s 19th annual writing contest is seeking unpublished fiction and nonfiction prose of 2,000 words or less (no poetry). Writers age 6 and up may enter. A copy of the rules and an entry form are available at the library, 201 E. Harrison Ave., online at, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 201 E. Harrison Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814-3240. Deadline: March 31. Entry fee is $1 for ages 6-11 and $2 for ages 12 and up. Cash prizes will be awarded in each category and age group. Call (208) 769-2315.
Idaho Prize for Poetry 2007 – The Lost Horse Press is accepting submissions of book-length poetry manuscripts for publication. Entries are due May 15. Entry fee is $25; a SASE must be included. Mail entries to The Idaho Prize, Lost Horse Press, 105 Lost Horse Lane, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Call (208) 255-4410.
Call for artists
Art on the Green – Artists are invited to design a poster for this summer’s art show. Entries should be 12-by-16 inches, in finished form and unframed; leave space for lettering and a logo. The deadline is Friday. Entries may be brought to the Citizens’ Council for the Arts, 411 N. 15th St., Coeur d’Alene, or the Law Offices of Flammia and Solomon, 317 Wallace, Coeur d’Alene. Call (208) 667-0651.
Rendezvous for Kids – Artists are needed to lead workshops, provide art activities for or entertain children ages 5-12. The event is July 19-20 in East City Park, Moscow, Idaho. Applications are due by March 31. Call (208) 882-1178 or e-mail for an application.
Inland Crafts – Artist applications are being accepted for the annual juried exhibition at the Spokane Convention Center on Nov. 2-4. Interested artists must submit five representative digital files (no slides) and two optional (a booth or group shot and a detail), a one-page resume and a $15 fee by April 2. Forms are available at Call (509) 981-9916.
Historic Logos – Artists are invited to design logos for the Fort Russell Neighborhood Historic District and the Moscow Downtown Historic District, both in Moscow, Idaho. The logos will be used on signs, brochures and other promotional information. Submissions are due at the Moscow Historic Preservation Commission by April 2. Call (208) 883-7095 or see /historicpreservation/index.asp.
Arts and Crafts Festival – Artists and crafters needed for the Valleyford Fine Art and Crafters Festival on July 21 at 12212 E. Palouse Highway. Fee: $25 per booth for businesses, $10 for nonprofits. Applications due April 15. Call (509) 747-6294.
Teaching Artists – The Washington State Arts Commission is looking for experienced artists who have expertise with K-12 public schools to form a Roster of Teaching Artists to work with students. Applications are available at Deadline is May 1. Call (360) 586-2418.
First Night Spokane – The annual New Year’s Eve celebration is looking for performers and visual artists for more than 40 locations in downtown Spokane. The theme is “As If By Magic.” Applications are available at or by mail at Chris Martin, First Night Spokane, P.O. Box 8348, Spokane, WA 99203. Applications are due by June 30. Call (509) 252-5027.
s.m.Art by the River Festival of the Arts – The St. Maries Council for the Arts is looking for artists and handcrafters to submit applications for the annual festival in July. Applicants must include photos or images on CD. For an application, write to s.m.Art Booth Screening Committee, c/o Linda Schardine, 83362 Highway 3 S., St. Maries ID 83861, or call (208) 245-3417 or (208) 245-3655.