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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

North Idaho track and field honor roll

The Spokesman-Review


100 – 1, tie, Dominique Billingslea (Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy) and Tabitha Clark (Priest River) 12.7. 3, Sanchez (Moscow) 12.8. 4, tie, Wessels (Lewiston) and Hutchings (Sandpoint) 12.9.

200 – 1, tie, Billingslea (CCA) and Kacy Wessels (Lew) 26.4. 3, Desirae Hutchings (Spt) 26.5. 4, Hopkins (PR) 26.6. 5, tie, Cazier (Timberlake) and Clark (PR) 26.7.

400 – 1, Wessels (Lew) 59.3. 2, Hopkins (PR) 59.7. 3, Rucker (Lakeland) 1:00.8. 4, Cazier (TL) 1:00.99. 5, Drager (Coeur d’Alene) 1:01.0.

800 – 1, tie, Casey Hampton (Bonners Ferry) and Anna Stone (CdA) 2:22.1. 3, Whalen (Post Falls) 2:22.88. 4, Park (Lew) 2:23.7. 5, Hokenson (Lew) 2:26.41.

1,600 – 1, Stone (CdA) 5:13.45. 2, Whalen (PF) 5:26.0. 3, Bartlett (Spt) 5:33.6. 4, Park (Lew) 5:36.4. 5, Nielson (Mos) 5:37.8.

3,200 – 1, Stone (CdA) 11:15.68. 2, Whalen (PF) 11:36.89. 3, Bartlett (Spt) 11:41.0. 4, Mo. Mitchell (LC) 11:47.37. 5, Hokenson (Lew) 12:15.6.

100 hurdles – 1, Bailey Hewitt (Clark Fork) 15.5. 2, Johnson (LC) 16.0. 3, Adams (Spt) 16.45. 4, Byrne (Mos) 16.4. 5, S. Hiatt (BF) 16.6.

300 hurdles – 1, Janie Perez (Lew) 47.3. 2, Johnson (LC) 47.73. 3, Johnson (CdA) 48.33. 4, Werner (PF) 48.91. 5, Hopkins (PR) 49.0.

400 relay – 1, Post Falls (Hailey Byrne, Circe Cansino, Lisa Duval, Dana Werner) 51.7. 2, Lake City 51.76. 3, Timberlake 52.0. 4, Moscow 52.38. 5, Sandpoint 52.57.

800 relay – 1, Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy (Elizabeth Stadley, Danika Hjeltness, Dominique Billingslea, Heidi Ronningen) 1:47.30. 2, Post Falls 1:47.34. 3, Lake City 1:47.79. 4, Lewiston 1:48.75. 5, Lakeland 1:50.43.

1,600 relay – 1, Lewiston (Jayme Doeringsfeld, Janie Perez, Rachael Park, Kacy Wessels) 4:11.82. 2, Sandpoint 4:12.50. 3, Coeur d’Alene 4:16.17. 4, Lake City 4:17.06. 5, Post Falls 4:17.8.

Medley relay – 1, Lake City (Holly Swendig, Tabitha Mabrey, Brenna Lawson, Arica Johnson) 1:55.64. 2, Lewiston 1:57.0. 3, Coeur d’Alene 1:57.40. 4, Moscow 1:58.0. 5, Lakeland 1:58.28.

High jump – 1, tie, Kendra Willms (Kootenai), Lacy Hopkins (PR), Tiffany Kuehn (LC) and Brooke DeMers (Spt) 5-2. 5, Seeling (Kellogg) 5-1.

Long jump – 1, Circe Cansino (PF) 16-9. 2, Kuehn (LC) 16-1. 3, DeMers (Spt) 15-8¾. 4, Schmidt (LL) 15-8½. 5, Adams (Spt) 15-6½.

Triple jump – 1, Sabrina Ewing (CCA) 33-1. 2, Johnson (Wallace) 32-7. 3, Kelley (LC) 32-1¼. 4, Garcia (Spt) 31-11. 5, Lynch (LC) 31-10½.

Pole vault – 1, Brenna Lawson (LC) 11-3. 2, Johnson (Mos) 10-3. 3, S. Hiatt (BF) 10-0. 4, tie, Robertson (BF), Blackburn (Koot) and Keith (CdA) 9-6.

Shot put – 1, Kaitie Poston (BF) 44-9. 2, Leonard (LL) 38-3. 3, Campbell (Kell) 35-11. 4, Seeling (Kellogg) 35-9. 5, Miller (Lakeside) 33-11¼.

Discus – 1, Poston (BF) 147-11½. 2, Leonard (LL) 119-9. 3, Seeling (Kell) 119-4. 4, Fuller (SM) 105-10. 5, Miller (LS) 105-4.


100 – 1, Nick Puckett (TL) 11.0. 2, tie, Rhodes (CdA) and Schmidt (Lew) 11.1. 4, tie, Graves (LC) and Goodman (TL) 11.3.

200 – 1, Puckett (TL) 22.3. 2, Schmidt (Lew) 22.4. 3, Rhodes (CdA) 22.93. 4, Follett (Lew) 23.0. 5, Weller (CCA) 23.1.

400 – 1, Dominic Schmidt (Lew) 51.1. 2, Follett (Lew) 51.22. 3, tie, Weller (CCA) and Denton (TL) 51.4. 5, Puckett (TL) 51.5.

800 – 1, John Coyle (LC) 1:57.33. 2, Farr (Mos) 1:56.7. 3, Frederickson (LC) 2:00.03. 4, Scott (PR) 2:00.4. 5, Lagrimanta (TL) 2:01.64.

1,600 – 1, Coyle (LC) 4:22.8. 2, Lagrimanta (PR) 4:29.74. 3, Armon (CdA) 4:30.79. 4, Frederickson (LC) 4:31.27. 5, Cotton (LC) 4:32.19.

3,200 – 1, C.J. Helbling (LC) 9:40.58. 2, Lagrimanta (TL) 9:41.3. 3, Coyle (LC) 9:49.2. 4, Cotton (LC) 9:52.18. 5, Armon (CdA) 10:01.7.

110 hurdles – 1, Brad Reynolds (PF) 15.0. 2, Macklin (TL) 15.2. 3, Ohs (LC) 15.7. 4, Mosman (Mos) 15.8. 5, Pankratz (Koot) 15.9.

300 hurdles – 1, Reynolds (PF) 39.4. 2, Powers (TL) 40.0. 3, Schalk (LC) 40.59. 4, Bowen (Lew) 40.7. 5, Botkin (BF) 40.95.

400 relay – 1, Timberlake (Felix Schreier, Josh Goodman, Chris Anderson, Nick Puckett) 44.4. 2, Lake City 44.55. 3, Coeur d’Alene 44.99. 4, Lewiston 45.1. 5, Sandpoint 45.58.

800 relay – 1, Lewiston (Dominic Schmidt, Andrew Perez, Ryan Young, Emerson Follett) 1:31.9. 2, Lake City 1:32.46. 3, Coeur d’Alene 1:32.79. 4, tie, Timberlake and Bonners Ferry 1:33.8.

1,600 relay – 1, Lewiston (Dominic Schmidt, P.J. Munoz, Andrew Perez, Emerson Follett) 3:27.53. 2, Timberlake 3:29.4. 3, Lake City 3:32.0. 4, Lakeland 3:33.0. 5, Post Falls 3:33.69.

Medley relay – 1, Timberlake (Josh Malloy, Josh Goodman, Casey Denton, Frank Lagrimanta) 3:43.2. 2, Lake City 3:44.09. 3, Coeur d’Alene 3:49.0. 4, Lewiston 3:49.8. 5, Moscow 3:50.6.

High jump – 1, Chad Ward (Kell) 6-2. 2, tie, Bowen (Lew), Price (LL), Jackson (LC) and Powers (TL) 6-0.

Long jump – 1, Bowen (Lew) 22-3. 2, A. Cloud (SM) 21-0. 3, Powers (TL) 20-8¼. 4, Hanni (LL) 20-7. 5, Jackson (LC) 20-5.

Triple jump – 1, Levi Powers (TL) 43-2. 2, Bowen (Lew) 42-5½. 3, Cox (SM) 41-8¼. 4, Malloy (TL) 41-3. 5, Norris (Wall) 40-6.

Pole vault – 1, Jeremy Klas (Mos) 14-0. 2, Austin Brown (CdA) 13-6. 3, tie, Macklin (TL) and Pope (CdA) 13-0. 5, Parker (Koot) 12-9.

Shot put – 1, Paul Morgan (Mos) 54-6¾. 2, Hays (Lew) 53-6½. 3, York (LC) 51-3. 4, Furlin (Kell) 50-5½. 5, Heitstuman (LL) 47-10.

Discus – 1, Cody Hays (Lew) 165-6. 2, Morgan (Mos) 160-3. 3, Andrews (Spt) 152-½. 4, Davis (Lew) 140-5. 5, Demery (PF) 139-9.

NOTE: The top five and ties are listed in each event. Coaches only, please call Greg Lee at 765-7127 (1-800-344-6718, ext. 7127, outside of Kootenai County) or e-mail ( with updates or corrections.

All times that include hundredths of a second are electronic. All other times are hand held and rounded up to the nearest tenth.