Blanchette got it right
Thank you, John Blanchette, for the excellent column (May 13) about UW athletic director and failure to release Katelan Redmon from her letter of intent.
You hit the nail on the head. … his failure to keep best interests of the young athlete in mind, his cancellation of GU-UW basketball series, and especially his presence at the “Coaches Tour” at Manito Golf Course. I hope someone “talked” to him.
I am amazed at not only is he aware of how he is hurting this young lady, but also how he has burned any and all bridges UW may have had recruiting in Eastern Washington. I am sure his ego is way ahead of his reasoning process. Heck, he is even making “Barbie Doll,” his predecessor, look good.
This fine young lady doesn’t deserve to be a pawn in his personal battles with his former coach, whom he let go despite all her success both on and off the basketball court. Players want to play for coaches – people they know and respect and whom have visited with them and their parents – not an impersonal athletic director or institution.
Mike Chastek