So, did she end up going?
Who sez the local media can’t work together to produce good results – for example, persuading a reluctant individual to schedule a colonoscopy? Last week, the Rathdrum Star started the ball rolling by printing a curious classified ad: “ATTENTION NANCY TAYLOR! Your friends in Iraq are worried about you. Please get the colonoscopy done. If you know Nancy or have had one, please let her know it DOES NOT HURT! Nancy is a Pharmacy Tech at the local hospital.” At Huckleberries Online, I couldn’t let an advertisement with that many capital letters go without notice. So I reprinted it on the blog, chuckled, and forgot about the matter until Nancy Taylor e-mailed. Tongue firmly cheeked, Nancy labeled her “friends in Iraq” as “warped” and “evil” and then good-naturedly added: “It was a big enough surprise yesterday when the Rathdrum Star came out to see my name in print in such a unique way. Imagine my shock when Cindy Johnson from KMC called me to tell me about your blog. I sorta have to laugh, however, because there are more ‘Nancy Taylors’ in this area than just me. Those poor women are much more well known than I. I’d love to know if they have had any calls!!” And you? Do you need a wake-up call from “friends in Iraq”? Or are you going to schedule your exam?
Road kill redux
Idaho F&Ger Matt Haag responded to angry Bonner County residents who were upset that a road kill moose was left to rot in a field, near Sandpoint. Responding on HBO, Haag said the F&G lacks manpower to pick up carcasses, except in rare circumstances – for example, if it’s causing a major road hazard and the Idaho Transportation Department can’t do the job. Or if someone is incapable of moving an animal due to age or disability. Haag commented that most F&G officers are hunters who don’t like to see meat wasted either. “It’s an impossible task to deal with all the injured animals and road kill,” Haag commented. “We would need the National Guard on a daily basis! So I appreciate all the folks that do understand the logistical problems of salvage. It’s not ‘cause we don’t care.” Mebbe the F&G should adopt a policy that would allow residents to butcher road kill for charity, jail inmates, or themselves to avoid a repeat of the episode originally reported by From A Simple Mind blog.
Scanner Traffic: At 5:40 p.m. Monday, a local patrolman reported: “For the record, I have a very unhappy birthday girl. She got a speeding ticket today” … Overheard (at CdA Hastings Sunday) – three teen girls browsing a display section offering “High School Musical” items. First Girl: “If I was a cheerleader, I’d buy this.” Second Girl (with blond streaks in her dark hair): “I wouldn’t want to be a cheerleader. They don’t have very good reputations” … How can you tell you’ve inadvertently walked into a chick flick? Your first clue should be that there are only six other males (including Nils Rosdahl and Michael McGiveney) in an audience of approximately 90. “Mama Mia”! … You can hear Rebecca Mack’s hour-long “On The Record” talk show on KJRB-AM (790) beginning at 11 a.m. weekdays – or at your leisure by opening Huckleberries Online and clicking on the SRadio bug in the upper right rail … I’ll be interviewing Lt. Gov. Jim Risch online live at 1:30 p.m. Friday.
Parting shot
In his latest Lewiston Tribune column, Bill Hall identified to whom he gave those 10 infamous political buttons featuring U.S. Sens. Barack Obama and Larry Craig. Writes Bill: “Political button collectors have contacted me, but I have declined their kind offers and have given the pins instead to fellow family political junkies and to political friends. Naturally, I also gave one to Larry LaRocco as partial mitigation for the horrifying experience of being confused for one brief tawdry moment with Larry Craig.” Hall also spoke of the “galling experience” of getting his 15 minutes of fame (as the individual who discovered the button snafu) “but only by riding on the colorful coattails of Larry Craig. That is a mixed honor even if Craig is the best-known senator in Idaho history.”