Celebrity Web sighting: If you found Spokane Mayor Mary Verner on the Web service Twitter recently, be aware her honor is trying to find out who created that bogus account without her permission.
Twitter is a popular Web service usually described as a “micro-blog.” Twitter lets people create personal networks of friends who receive your “tweets” or messages whenever you send a message.
The Verner Twitter account, as of last Wednesday, had produced one “tweet,” which read: “Paint the town orange week! I hope people are wearing their Spokane Shock gear.”
The mayor’s spokeswoman, Marlene Feist, said her office is tracking down how that bogus account was created. The mayor does like technology, apparently. She may even adore the Spokane Shock. But she doesn’t officially use Twitter.
TXT Video Challenge No. 24. This one is a music challenge. Take a look at this YouTube video called “Crazy Squirrels” at http://www. youtube.com/ watch?v=na QxHo8sEY0.
The charming three-minute clip features a well-known piece of music, dating back to 1976. Give us the name and creator of the music accompanying the squirrels; the first right answer e-mailed to TXT@ spokesman.com gets a $5 coffee card on us. Exact title required to win.
Past winners are not eligible.
How do I …. Reduce the size of photos when sending by e-mail?
It makes sense to reduce sizes of photos unless whoever is getting them has plenty of bandwidth and doesn’t mind large image files.
The goal is to reduce the number of pixels in the image. This can be done in many free and easy image editing programs, including Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Office Picture Manager (or with the built-in photo trimmer that comes with Office) and other applications. One we like is Irfanview, free to download at www.irfanview.com .
Take the original and either decide to make the edited version a percentage of the original (50 percent is a good starting point) or just make the width 700 pixels wide. At that size, most images will fall below 85 kilobytes in size.
Smart Search: What do Goshme, Gigablast and OrganizedWisdom have in common? All are alternative search sites trying to grab a niche audience from the big search engines.
Organized Wisdom is expressly focused on health care. Like several other search sites, this one offers specialized “wisdom cards” on a health topic. And the site claims those cards are created and edited by humans, adding the human intelligence to search results.
We searched for “Aleve” and among other findings, it found a recent story showing that Aleve and other similar non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs make one’s skin more sensitive to sunburn.