Accuracy watch
Player misidentified
Hockey player Justin McCrae was misidentified in a photo caption Thursday, due to a photographer’s error.
Drug information wrong
A box accompanying a story Thursday about the death of actor Heath Ledger included incorrect information on a medication. Alprazolam, a prescription sedative, is sold under the brand name Xanax.
No Liberia deposition
Defendants in a Spokane diploma-mill case have said they would waive their rights to travel to Liberia to be present if a judge allows depositions to be taken there of Liberians involved in the case. Because of a copy editing error, a story Tuesday incorrectly said the defendants would be deposed in Liberia.
Tahoe struck cruiser
A 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe driven by Spokane resident Justin M. Pollard struck a 1995 Volvo driven by Per Johan Flygare, of Cheney, on Interstate 90 Tuesday, then Pollard’s vehicle struck a Washington State Patrol car. An article Wednesday incorrectly stated which vehicle hit the patrol car.
Corridor story errors
An article about the North Spokane freeway corridor on Thursday’s front page contained the following errors:
• Numbers were reversed in a graph showing carbon emissions from vehicles in the city of Spokane because of a graphic artist’s error. The correct numbers are 1.76 million tons in 1990 and 1.83 million tons in 2005.
• Comments attributed to Daniel Lerch were made during an interview with the reporter. Because of an editing error, the story indicated otherwise.