Spokane clubs
New listing
Wandermere Ladies 9-Hole Golf Club – Meets Wednesday, April through October. Spring kick-off brunch is March 26, 9 a.m., Wandermere Club House. Contact Donna Hepper at (509) 466-4043 or Pat Ludwick at (509) 487-0133.
Marine Corps League, Bruno Johnson Detachment – Meets the fourth Thursday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Deb’s Diner, First and Main, Colville; Adjutant Garrow, (509) 722-4110.
Miracles Study Group – Meets Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Unity Church, 2900 S. Bernard St.; (509) 838-6518.
MOMS Club of Spokane – Activities for stay-at-home mothers and their children, meets the last Friday of the month, 10 a.m., Spokane Friends Church, 1612 W. Dalke; call Hollie Brown at (509) 328-5580. South/Valley Chapter meets the last Monday of the month, 10 a.m., Opportunity Christian Church, 708 N. Pines Rd., contact Sarah at (509) 434-4473.
Moms in Motion – Meets Wednesdays through the summer to train for local triathlon; all abilities welcome; call (509) 327-9143 or visit www.momsinmotion.com.
Moonlighters Toastmasters Club – Meets Thursday evenings at 5:15 p.m., at Stamper, Rubens, Stocker, and Smith, 720 W. Boone Ave. Contact Bob Weldin at (509) 327-2897 or e-mail minersq@earthlink.net.
MOPS International – Meets the fourth Thursday of the month, 9:30-11:30 a.m., First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar; Julianne Bradley at (509) 448-6457.Musicfest Northwest – Meets the second Wednesday of each month, 4 p.m., 315 W. Mission; (509) 327-3455 or visit www.musicfestnorthwest.org.
National Association of Retired Federal Employees, Chapter 32 – Meets second Monday of each month (except July and August), 11:30 a.m., Old Country Buffet, 5504 N. Division; (509) 926-7267,
National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees, Unit 81 – Meets the first Wednesday of each month (except July and August); (509) 534-4854.
Newman Lake Firefighter’s Auxiliary – Meets the second Monday of the month at Fire Station 1 in Newman Lake; Shelly, (509) 226-5326.
Painted Hills Ladies Golf League – Newcomers welcome throughout the season. Membership fees are $40. Call the clubhouse at (509) 928-4653.
Painted Hills Men’s 18-Hole Golf Club – Meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Call (509) 928-4653 or (509) 924-1271.
Pages of Harmony Barbershop Chorus– Meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., Southside Senior Center, 3151 E. 27 Ave.; (509) 535-0803.
Poetry Scribes of Spokane – Meets the first Tuesday of each month, 1:15 p.m., Riverview Retirement Community, 1801 E. Upriver Drive. Contact Jolene Weller-Feher at (509) 489-0544.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – Meets Wednesdays, 2 p.m., Unity Church, 2900 S. Bernard St.; (509) 838-6518.
Project Joy – For anyone over 50 possessing talent in any art form who would like to participate in regular rehearsals and perform for nursing homes, hospitals, schools and other community events. Puppeteers, singers and orchestral musicians needed; (509) 535-0584.
River Ridge Association of Fine Arts – Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, 12:30 p.m., Spokane Art Supply; (509) 326-4160.
Rock Roller Club – Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., 9527 E. Fourth Ave., and 6:15 p.m., for Juniors. The club focuses on the study of earth science, collection of minerals, gem materials and fossils; Mary, (509) 455-6859.