From the Parents Council blog: Mean Girls
From the Parents Council blog this week:
“I had a conversation with a girlfriend today about her fourth-grade daughter. She told me how some of her friends are being mean to her. The meanness are things like when there are three of them together, two of them will ignore the daughter. Other mean things include not answering when the daughter asks a question or makes a comment. And it only gets worse from there. …
“After school today, my friend took her daughter to the doctor because she has been having stomachaches. … The doctor determined that her stomach problems were due to the stress of these relationships.
“What do you do? Have you come across these issues of kids getting ill over mental anguishes?”
– Posted by Lisa P.
“That happend to me when I was growing up. … I learned to be strong and eventually to brush it off and find new friends. I think this is part of girl culture … I see it everywhere. I am not sure there is anything you can do other than teach girls how to react in these situations.” – Posted by Mikayla
“When I read this my heart just ached. The snobby girls are train wrecks waiting to happen. Your friends daughter needs to turn her attention away from trying to be friends with them and the best way to do that is to get her involved in activites that she has a passion for. …
Once she gets focused on something that she is really interested in, she will make new friends with the same passion.” – Posted by Kathy
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