Washington Records
Spokane County
Marriage licenses
Anthony M. Tuttle, of Newman Lake, and Melanie M. Hobart, of Spokane Valley.
Adam M. Forney and Devon M. Gardner, both of Spokane Valley.
Troy T. Delatte and Lisa L. Schilling, both of Spokane Valley.
Kevin C. Largent, of Spokane Valley, and Bethany R. McNutt, of Deer Park.
Darrin C. Murray and Kristin L. Satterlee, both of Spokane Valley.
Brian A. Stone and Ciara D. Stobie, both of Spokane.
Darryl S. Mills, of Spokane Valley, and Janine M. Fox, of Otis Orchards.
George A. Hargrove and Melanie J. Card, both of Spokane.
Jon S. Hilborn and Kathi M. Baker, both of Spokane.
Lance A. Dobson and Leslie J. Meagley, both of Spokane.
Thomas R. O’Farrell and Cynthia B. Clapis, both of Priest River, Idaho.
John W. Anderson and Josephine K. Swanson, both of Spokane.
David A. Lowe, of Spokane, and Lucy R. Giblette, of Elizabeth, Colo.
Mark L. Barber, of Spokane, and Jolette M. Miller, of Spokane Valley.
Nolan R. Tobler and Sarah M. White, both of Spokane Valley.
Richard G. Chavez and Kathryn J. Kincaid, both of Albuquerque, N.M.
Michael A. Prencipe and Cassandra E. Brown, both of Spokane.
Darryl S. Burgess and Nikki L. Leep, both of Spokane.
In the courts Superior courts
New suits
Whitworth Professional Center v. Robert Parker et al., restitution of premises.
Numerica Credit Union v. Diana M. Pauley, money claimed owed.
Robert L. Murray v. Ren Construction et al., fraud.
Olan Rousch v. Christine M. Braun, breach of agreement.
Michael Walker v. Paul Antuna et al., restitution of premises.
Country Homes Sales v. Chris Mokhtari et al., restitution of premises.
David Whitman v. Greenacres Baptist Church, negligence.
Charles R. Chatburn v. Kim Warrick, restitution of premises.
Marriage dissolution petitions
Hall, Emery L. and Wendy A.
Stocker, Deanna J. and David J.
Hickey, Debora L. and John M.
Bright, Matthew D. and Corinne N.
Lloyd, Stephen S. and Jolene R.
Drake, Terry and Amy
Wittwer, Byron K. and Rachel E.
Catleman, Christopher F. and Katherine S.
Marriage dissolutions granted
Drury, Daniel C. and Jennifer
Bashar, Sally C. and Roe, Gary W.
Jones, Lisa S. and Lemus, Vincent F.
Criminal sentencings
Judge Tari Eitzen
Jennifer L. Sikes, 39; 28 days in jail with credit given for 28 days served, six months probation, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance.
Judge Maryann C. Moreno
Colton C. Russell, 22; six months in jail, after pleading guilty to residential burglary and first-degree trafficking in stolen property.
Tonya M. Lust, 31; three months in jail with credit given for 94 days served, 12 months probation, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance.
Miles L. Horn, 26; 41 months in prison, after pleading guilty to failure to remain at the scene of an accident-fatality.
Judge Harold D. Clarke III
Casey L. Brown, 18; two days in jail with credit given for two days served, 12 months probation, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance.
Eric A. Drake, 23; $1,000 fine, two days in jail with credit given for two days served, 12 months probation, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance.
Federal court
Bankruptcy petitions
Jesus and Elissa Valencia, 920 S. 10th Ave., Othello; debts of $280,424.
Robert Hardie, 607 E. Euclid Ave., Spokane; debts of $377,635.
Matthew Bright and Corinne Brown, Newman Lake; debts of $121,377.
Floyd and Phyllis Marks, 4124 N. Whitehouse; debts of $63,807.
Betsy James, Spokane Valley; debts of $95,638.
Carl Anderson, 4023 E. Fourth Ave.; debts of $46,921.
Patrick Small, 1704 E. Wabash Ave.; debts of $80,318.
Edward Lambert, Spokane Valley; debts of $63,177.
Sandra Lamoreaux, 7717 N. Altamont St.; debts of $79,931.
Bradley Brougher, 2023 W. Third Ave.; debts not listed.
Wendi Smithson, Newman Lake; debts not listed.
Rafeal Richardson, 203 E. Sanson Ave.; debts of $71,330.
Becky Dearth, 1515 W. Sixth Ave.; debts of $23,971.
Patrick and Michalyn Nowacki, 2612 E. Sanson; debts of $157,979.
Nicele Aleto, 1635 W. Pacific Ave.; debts of $22,111.
Lisa Wester, 2313 E. Fifth Ave.; debts of $257,669.
District courts
Only fines of $125 or more included unless a jail sentence is given.
Judge Donna Wilson
Thomas A. Lockwood, 48; 14 days in jail with credit given for 14 days served, theft.
Steven M. Long, 37; $1,546 fine, 135 days in jail, driving while intoxicated.
Judge Vance W. Peterson
Carl R. Berlund, 27; $350 fine, three days in jail, 12 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Colan F. Collier, 46; $350 fine, three days in jail, 12 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Darin A. Deck, 34; $500 fine, 12 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Tyeson Desautel, 23; $866 fine, one day in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated.
Nicholle R. Edwards, 23; $1,121 fine, 90 days in jail, 24 months probation, physical control.
Anthon Falasco, 26; $500 fine, 12 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Timothy W. Frisby Jr., 27; $866 fine, one day in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated.
Brandy L. Griese, 31; $250 fine, driving while intoxicated amended to second-degree negligent driving; $250 fine, possession of marijuana.
Susan R. Hudson, 31; $500 fine, 12 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Dayle J. Hunt, 43; $500 fine, 12 months probation, physical control.
Shannon L. Little, 37; $500 fine, 12 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Scott M. Marshall, 23; $350 fine, three days in jail, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree negligent driving.
Commissioner Virginia Rockwood
Karma R. Kipp, 33; $210 fine, speeding; $100 fine, operating with no/illegal plates.
John-Philip J. Perkins, 32; $200 fine, operating a motor vehicle without liability insurance; $100 fine, failure to wear a safety belt; $100 fine, speeding.
Bryan D. Rook, 25; $200 fine, operating a motor vehicle without liability insurance; $124 fine, prohibited/improper turn.
Inatipei Rudolph, 23; $440 fine, no valid operator’s license; $325 fine, operating a motor vehicle without liability insurance; $124 fine, illegal use of studded tires.
Matthew A. Wallace, 21; $550 fine, second-degree negligent driving.