By the numbers

Today’s forecast
Spokane: 86
Coeur d’Alene: 85
Q:When will it rain again?
A:When particles of water are large enough to reach the ground. (Let’s say Tuesday.)
Q:How long until winter?
A: Twenty-two weeks.
Q:How long until the snow flies here again?
A:We’re thinking six weeks.
Q:How much should I drink each day?
A:1.9 liters, the Mayo Clinic advises.
Q:This is America. Can you put that in terms we can understand?
A:There are 159 liters in one U.S. oil barrel.
Q:Is that haze over the Northwest from California’s wildfires?
A:No, it’s from a volcanic eruption in the Aleutian Islands. The July 12 explosion of the 3,500-foot Okmok Volcano on Umnak Island spewed ash and sulfur dioxide 50,000 feet high, and the materials have formed into a large mass hovering above the North Pacific, according to National Geographic. Really. But go ahead and blame it on California.