Idaho Records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Sarah Gomez reported Tuesday the $1,960 theft of DVD movies, jewelry and cash from her home on the 900 block of West Emma Avenue.
Kootenai County sheriff
Jeffrey Gagnon, Coeur d’Alene, reported Tuesday $300 damage to survey work at a property on the 7500 block of North Channel Lane.
Mark Francis, Post Falls, reported Monday the $3,000 theft of an outboard boat motor from his boat parked at his home on the 8300 block of North Meyer Road.
Gregory Nelson, Coeur d’Alene, reported Tuesday the $2,075 theft of a boat motor and gas tank and $225 damage to the wiring of his boat parked at his home on the 3400 block of East Hayden View Drive.
News of Record
Criminal sentencings
Judge James Stow
Alexandra N. Burrell, 18, Coeur d’Alene; minor in possession of alcohol (second offense); $250 fine, 30 days in jail (24 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Judge Benjamin Simpson
Darrell L. Pero, 49, Coeur d’Alene; battery; $100 fine, 180 days in jail (142 days suspended, 38 days credited), two years probation.
Melinda J. Bucher, 19, Coeur d’Alene; possession/purchase/consumption of alcohol by a minor; $750 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Judge Eugene Marano
Kris P. Cummings, 29, Hayden; resisting/obstructing officers; $1,000 fine (suspended), one year in jail (350 days suspended, 15 days credited), two years probation.
Steven M. Driskell, 44, Post Falls; Count I: domestic violence; 180 days in jail. Count II: destruction of a telephone device; one year in jail. Counts consecutive.
Dakota R. McDaniel, 18, Rathdrum; battery; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (132 days suspended, 18 days credited), 30 days unscheduled jail time, two years probation.
Kari E. Howard, 25, Athol; misdemeanor probation violation; 10 days in jail or 40 hours county work program.
Daniel J. Marinovich, 47, Post Falls; disturbing the peace; $1,000 fine, 180 days in jail (suspended), two years probation.
Judge Patrick McFadden
Frank A. Schnabel Jr., 20, Coeur d’Alene; possession/purchase/consumption of alcohol by a minor; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), one year probation.
Brian A. Milan, 43, Coeur d’Alene; battery; $1,000 fine ($750 suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Civil complaints
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Patrick Shearer, seeking $5,716.
Gentry Finance v. Heather King, seeking $1,114.
Gentry Finance v. Josh Schuetz, seeking $1,132.
Civil judgments
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Melissa Bingham, plaintiff awarded $7,360.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Daniel White, plaintiff awarded $3,936.
Hagadone Directories Inc. v. Cameron Blaine, dba Saddle Rock Enterprises, plaintiff awarded $1,535.
ACS Inc. of Idaho v. Christian Schmoll, plaintiff awarded $1,263.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Don Gearhart and Michelle Gearhart, plaintiff awarded $1,628.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Rawny McKeena and Ben McKeena, plaintiff awarded $1,792.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Katie Deavitt, plaintiff awarded $2,914.
Raymond Davis and Marybel Davis v. Arnold Peacock, plaintiff awarded $5,391.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Brandon Capello, plaintiff awarded $8,448.
Civil dismissals
HSBC Bank Nevada N.A. v. Terry Sutton.
Divorces granted
Troy S. Fairbank from Sherri L. Fairbank.
Kathleen M. Tully from James F. Tully III.