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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Bulletin board


Health Care Caucus – Presented by the Healthy Washington Coalition, an opportunity for community discussion of the current challenges faced in health care and steps that can be taken to achieve quality, affordable health care. Free; 6:30-8:30 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar St. Visit for more information.

Infant Massage – Interactive class for parents of infants up to 1 year; covers how to connect with infants through touch and how massage can help alleviate the symptoms associated with common infant ailments, including colic, gas pains and teething. Cost is $25 per person; 6-8 p.m., St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Center, 711 S. Cowley St. Call (509) 232-8138 to register and for more information.


Pain Management for Fibromyalgia – Thursday, 6:30-8 p.m.; this presentation covers how to manage fibromyalgia and increase quality of life. A light meal will be provided. Preregistration is required. Valley Hospital Health and Education Center, 12606 E. Mission Ave., Spokane Valley. Free. Call (509) 232-8138, e-mail, or visit to register and for more information.

Dental Camp – For youth from minority backgrounds in grades 5-8; students will learn how to prepare for dental careers, the importance of good oral health, work with simulator’s teeth, and make plaster impressions and tooth models. Free. Friday, 9 a.m.-noon, Eastern Washington University, Riverpoint Campus, 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd. Call (509) 368-6528 to reserve a spot and for more information.

Tai Chi Basic – Mondays through Aug. 25, 11 a.m.-noon; $60, CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley; Tuesdays, through Aug. 26, 10-11 a.m., Rockwood Retirement Community, 101 E. Hawthorne Road. Contact Bob or Cindy at (509) 468-0587, (509) 979-4128, or to register and for more information.

Tai Chi Intermediate Sun Style – Mondays through Aug. 25, 1-2 p.m., cost is $60, CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley. Contact Bob or Cindy at (509) 468-0587, (509) 979-4128, or to register and for more information.

Tai Chi for Stress Reduction – Mondays, through Aug. 25, 6-7:30 p.m.; $40 for YMCA members or $60 for nonmembers, Valley YMCA, 2421 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley. Northwest Tai Chi For Health, 2802 N. Monroe St. Contact Bob or Cindy at (509) 468-0587, (509) 979-4128, or to register and for more information.

Tai Chi Intro – Mondays in August, 10-10:45 a.m., at Valley YMCA, 2421 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley. Cost is $20 for YMCA members, $30 for nonmembers. Call (509) 468-0587 or (509) 979-4128 or e-mail for more information.

Serene Yoga for People Living With Breast Cancer – Free classes for patients, survivors, and their families and friends. Meets Thursdays through Aug. 28, 5:45 p.m., at The Mellow Monkey Yoga Studio, 9017 E. Euclid Ave., Millwood, Spokane Valley. Visit or e-mail for more information.

Multiple Sclerosis Seminar – Aug. 11, 6-8 p.m., Holy Family Health Education Center, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. Cost is free, a light meal will be served. Call (509) 232-8138 to register and for more information.

New listings

Bone Density and Blood Pressure Screenings Free screenings every Tuesday and Friday, 9 a.m.-noon, at Valley Hospital and Medical Center, 12606 E. Mission Ave., Spokane Valley. No appointment needed. Offered by Valley Hospital and Medical Center Volunteer Services; call (509) 473-5415 or e-mail for more information.

Fibromyalgia, Lupus and Chronic Fatigue Class – Learn how to manage these conditions through pain management to increase quality of life. Free, preregistration is required. Thursday, 6:30-8 p.m., Valley Hospital Health and Education Center, 12606 E. Mission Ave., Spokane Valley. Call (509) 232-8138 to register and for more information.

Bottoms Up: Diabetes Foot Care – Teaches proper foot care and identification of potential problems for people with diabetes. Free, preregistration is required, refreshments will be provided. Aug. 12, 6-8 p.m., Sacred Heart Medical Center, 101 W. Eighth Ave. Call (509) 232-8145 to register and for more information.

Alzheimer’s Association Seminars – Educational seminars featuring speaker Paul Graves; Aug. 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Guardian Angel Homes, 1070 E. Mullan Ave., Post Falls, free parking in the World Gym parking lot; Aug. 20, 2-4 p.m., The Bridge Assisted Living, 1123 N. Division Ave., Sandpoint. Free; no reservations necessary. Call (208) 666-2996 for more information.

Pedalin’ for Public Health Bike Ride – Aug. 16, 8:30-11 a.m.; sponsored by the Panhandle Public Health Foundation; proceeds will support public health projects in five counties. Ride includes six available routes on the Trail of the Coeur d’Alene’s; cost is $25 for adults, $5 for children; participants receive T-shirts and gifts. Visit for applications and for more information.

Northside Ostomy Support Group – Offers support and information through interaction and discussion with other ostomates and family members. Free. Aug. 28, 3-4 p.m., Holy Family Health Education Center, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. Call (509) 482-2345 for more information.

Other programs

Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families and Co-Dependents – How to grow out of these dysfunctional patterns in a 26-week program of group therapy and support with tools for the results you want. Groups meet various weekday evenings from 7-9 p.m., or Saturday daytime, at Life Directions Counseling Center in Spokane Valley. For more information, call (509) 922-3915.

Adult Day Center – Holy Family Adult Day Centers offer structured programs designed to meet the needs of physically, mentally and functionally impaired adults and elderly by providing social services, nursing, rehabilitation, therapeutic recreation and a hot meal at noon. Two locations: 4827 S. Palouse Highway and 6018 N. Astor St. Call (509) 482-2475.

Alzheimer’s Association Helpline – In Spokane, call (509) 473-3390 or 24-hour help line, (800) 272-3900; Coeur d’Alene, call (208) 772-2542 or (800) 256-6659. Available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Amputee Support Group – Support for people with amputations and their family and friends. Meets the first Wednesday of each month, 11 a.m.-noon, St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, 711 S. Cowley St. Visit for more information.

Anger Management for Men – Ongoing six-week men’s group, Wednesdays, 5-6:30 p.m., St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Cost: $15/session; for more information, call (509) 483-6495.

Bariatric Support Group – Meets monthly at Holy Family Hospital, Health Education Center, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. Call (509) 252-6311 for times and for more information.

Bone Density and Blood Pressure Screenings – Deaconess Medical Center, 800 W. Fifth Ave., is offering screenings every Monday and Thursday from 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Call (509) 473-2194.

Breast and Cervical Health Program – Provides eligible women with free health exams and mammograms sponsored by Spokane Regional Health District. Call (509) 324-1553 or (888) 461-8876.

Children’s Environmental Health Network – Web site offers information on organizations active in various fields, sources of data on child health and environmental hazards and more, or call (202) 543-4033, e-mail at

Conservative Care Consultation – Surgery should be your last resort for back or neck problems and carpal tunnel syndrome. Utilize this free opportunity to find out if there is a nonsurgical alternative to your problem. Call Mark Guthrie, at (509) 327-8188.

Corbin Senior Activity Center Senior Services – Classes and groups for mental, emotional and physical health. The center also offers events, tours and meeting space. Call (509) 327-1584 for listings.

CPR, First Aid and Automated External Defibrillator Classes – Offered by the American Red Cross. Check the Web site for class schedules. Inland Northwest Chapter, 315 W. Nora Ave. Cost is $35-$55, call (509) 326-3330 ext. 216, or visit

Depression Screenings – Offered to adults by Eastman Consulting Services, 607 S. Government Way, Spokane. Free. Call (509) 456-2190.

Diabetes Education – Community Health Education and Resources offers group or individual instruction on diabetes self-management. Course is for clients and their families who are new to diabetes. Call (509) 232-8145 for class times, dates and locations.

Divine Health – Word of Faith Christian Center is offering a weekly class on how to live in divine health, Sundays at 10 a.m. at the Word of Faith Christian Center, 4001 N. Cook St. Call (509) 891-5253.

Dirne Community Health Center – Is a federally qualified community health center. It is accepting new patients regardless of their ability to pay, and offering mental health services. 1106 W. Ironwood Drive, Coeur d’Alene. For more information or to make an appointment, call the Center at (208) 292-0292.

First Aid/CPR Classes – Adult, child and infant first aid/CPR classes, new student and refresher courses, are available through The Safety Center, 1317 W. Kiernan Ave. Prices range from $35-$55. Registration is required. For more information, location and times, call Rick Bennett at (509) 979-0849 or e-mail

Hatha Yoga – Small classes for all skill levels. Thursdays, 5:30-6:45 p.m.; St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Cost is $25 per four-week series or $8 per class. Call (509) 483-6495 for the schedule and for more information.

Health for All – This community-based healthcare access project links uninsured individuals and families in Eastern Washington with state health insurance programs and assists those who do not qualify for state-sponsored coverage by linking them with appropriate community resources. Call (866) 444-3066; in Spokane County, call (509) 444-3066.

Master Home Environmentalist Program – The American Lung Association of Washington is offering trained volunteers to offer solutions for indoor environmental health problems in your home. To schedule an appointment, call (509) 325-6516 or e-mail

Metaphysical Research Society – Meets the first Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m. Call (509) 838-8155 for more information.

Polio Outreach of Spokane – For information about post-polio syndrome, call Sharman Collins, (509) 448-8517, or e-mail

Qi-Gong Series – Classes to enhance confidence, relieve depression, and alleviate asthma symptoms and back pain. St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Cost is $40 per series ($35 for students and seniors) or $8 per class. Call (509) 483-6495 for the schedule and for more information.

Reflexology – These individual foot and hand sessions will work to improve circulation, relieve tension and more with certified reflexologist Linda Bussard at 12 E. Rowan Ave., Suite L4. To schedule an appointment call (509) 998-1062.

Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors HelpLine – The SHIBA HelpLine is free, confidential and impartial counseling with trained volunteers to help callers understand their healthcare and health insurance rights and options. Call (509) 458-2509 at Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington or the SHIBA HelpLine at (800) 562-6900.

Speech, Language and Hearing Screenings – Washington State University Spokane’s Speech and Hearing Clinic, Health Sciences Building, 310 N. Riverpoint Blvd. Open to children and adults. Appointments necessary. Call (509) 358-7580.

Striders – A community walking and exercise program promoting fitness, fun, friends and health education since 1995. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-9 a.m. at the Spokane Valley YMCA, 2421 N. Discovery Place, and in Coeur d’Alene. For more information, call Carol at (509) 926-1697, or in Idaho call (208) 772-6381.

Yoga Classes – New session of classes beginning June 1. Radha Yoga Center, 406 S. Coeur d’Alene St. Check the schedule at or call (509) 838-3575 for more information.