Lottery numbers
Sunday’s Washington Daily Game: 2-4-8
Sunday’s Washington Keno: 2-4-5- 7-15-17-26-28-31-32-33-38-43- 44-48-52-55-66-68-80
Saturday’s Washington Daily Game: 9-7-3
Saturday’s Washington Lotto: 2-7-14-17-39-40
No winner. Next jackpot: $2.1 million.
Saturday’s Washington Keno: 5-7-14- 22-23-32-42-43-44-46-48-52-58- 61-65-66-67-71-73-77
Saturday’s Powerball: 2-19-21-31-55 Power Ball: 19
Today in history
1931: President Hoover signed a measure making “The Star-Spangled Banner” the national anthem of the United States.