Idaho Records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Jeanie Prince reported March 8 the $300 theft of a cell phone and $1,200 damage to a laptop computer at her home on the 2200 block of W. Rousseau Drive.
Tim Gates, employee of Gozzer Ranch, reported Thursday the $1,500 theft of three tires and wheels from Gozzer Ranch office, 820 E. Sherman Ave.
Kootenai County sheriff
Cheyenne D’Alessandro, a chef at Tony’s on the Lake, reported Thursday the $3,000 theft of cash from the business at 6823 E. Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive.
Casey Gingras, Hayden, reported Thursday the $630 theft of numerous compact discs from her 1995 Dodge Neon parked at her home on the 8300 block of N. Village Drive.
Christopher Schaefer, Hayden, reported Thursday the $500 theft of a handgun and the theft of an iPod of undetermined value from his home on the 8700 block of N. Maple Avenue.
News of Record
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Eugene Marano
Stanley A. Morris, 46, Spokane; use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; one year in jail (350 days suspended, 15 days credited).
Judge Penny Friedlander
Angelita R. Enriquez, 31, Hayden; Count I: theft by receiving/possessing stolen property; 90 days in jail. Count II: possession of a controlled substance; 90 days in jail. Count III: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; 90 days in jail. Jail time concurrent.
Judge James Stow
Matthew D. Leander, 27, Spokane; domestic violence - violation of a protection order; 10 days in jail.
Judge Patrick McFadden
Leslie D. Koehler, 23, Hayden; resisting/obstructing officers; $500 fine, 60 days in jail (58 days suspended) or eight hours county work program, one year probation.
Judge Benjamin Simpson
Nicholas A. Clason, 27, Spokane Valley; resisting/obstructing officers; 90 days in jail.
George F. Dickson Jr., 27, Post Falls; Count I: driving without privileges; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation. Count II: driving without privileges; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), 180 days in jail, two years probation.
Gregory R. Hansen, 44, Post Falls; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($750 suspended), 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), 20 days unscheduled jail time, 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Michael J. Dunsmore, 34, Post Falls; use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; 30 days in jail.
Oscar E. Martinez Jr., 25, Coeur d’Alene; inattentive driving; $75 fine, 90 days in jail (80 days suspended) or 80 hours county work program, two years probation.
Michael J. Ladeaux, 33, Coeur d’Alene; invalid driver’s license; $150 fine, 10 days in jail or proof of valid license, one year probation.
Judge Barry Watson
Joshua W. Fread, 25, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: inattentive driving; $300 fine (suspended), 90 days in jail (80 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation. Count II: driving without privileges; $500 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Civil complaints
Al and Robin Near v. Lee Fisher, seeking $2,000.
Hayden Les Schwab Tire Center v. Kevin Creighton and Creighton Mechanical, seeking $1,015.
Lakeview Financial v. Eileen Curwen, seeking $2,790.
Lakeview Financial v. Alan Sweitzer, seeking $4,047.
K.A. Durtschi & Associates Inc. v. Patrick McDermott, seeking $2,921.
Gary and Anna Provost v. Kevin Mort and Angela Mort, seeking $49,992.
Civil judgments
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Andrew Hartin and Christina Hartin, plaintiff awarded $7,212.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Thomas Parker and Christine Parker, plaintiff awarded $1,143.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Sarah Ferguson and John Ferguson, plaintiff awarded $2,084.
Al and Robin Near v. Lee Fisher, seeking $2,000.
Civil dismissals
The Collection Group LLC v. David A. Denoyer.
Marriage licenses
James I. Munoz and Holly C. Halls, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Rick L. Lloyd and Caroline A. Bourgeois, both of Kellogg.
Wade A. Kiedrowski and Shanna M. Coll, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Gary O. Ludwig and Lorraine M. Albert, both of Hayden.
Jeremy L. Davis and Rhienna J. Selvey Anderson, both of Priest River.
Dustin N. Moon and Amanda M. Bedwell, both of Rathdrum.
Mark A. Valente and Angela M. Misita, both of Post Falls.
Arturo Briseno Jr. and Jessica C. Shelton, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Brian A. Taylor and Taylor A. Eckhart, both of Hayden.
James A. Hertwick and Lindsey K. Stratford, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Munther H. Hakki and Sawsan K.S. Alsharif, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Brandon J. Hannem, of Fort Lewis, Wash., and Kaitlyn R. Barton, Coeur d’Alene.
Paul M. Banducci, of Coeur d’Alene, and Mary A. Cranney, Hayden.
James R. Litalien and Nicole S. Burbank, both of Dalton Gardens.
Scott E. Green and Sandra M. Bowman, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Andrew J. Blalack and Jody L. Hunt, both of Post Falls.
Mycal J. Mares, of Coeur d’Alene, and Corinne A. Barrone, of Athol.
Bryan C. Looyenga and Kristen T. Fisher, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Jerome S. Simpson and Leah F. Mahaffey, both of Post Falls.
Jordan V. Kojouharov and Natalie L. Hemmer, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Christopher D. Bucher and Melinda Helton, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Anthony R. Lazanis, of Spokane, and Rita M. Dougherty, of Coeur d’Alene.
Brian P. Jensen and Natalie A. Swanson, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Divorces sought
Pat Paschall from Sue Paschall.
Lerlenya L. Holland from David J. Holland.
Jamie E. Brown from David L. Brown.
Divorces granted
Corinne Ward from Kyle Ward.
Michelle R. Marquette from George A. Sawyer.
Breanna M. Armstrong from Jacob M. Armstrong.
Michael L. Phelps from Cheryle A. Phelps.
Leslie Stone from Jason Stone.