In their words
“People may assume this decision was pre-determined, but I know that wasn’t the case.”
– Spokane Public Schools board member Sue Chapin, after the board unanimously named Nancy Stowell to the superintendent job she had been filling on an interim basis while a national search process ultimately produced three finalists, the other two of whom withdrew.
“Parental murder is not a trivial incident.”
– Psychiatrist William Grant, during an interview after the trial in which he testified for the prosecution about the mental state of defendant Ryan Snow, a bipolar man charged with murdering his own grandfather.
“This is not like breakthrough stem cell research.”
– Washington state Sen. Chris Marr, D-Spokane, saying phosphate-free dishwashing detergents are already available so there was no need for the Legislature to give two Washington counties more time before having to comply with a ban.
“When I have ‘sentence pending’ for one failure to register and the defendant goes out and gets another one, that shows me the defendant is not serious about the requirements of the law.”
– 1st District Judge Fred Gibler, of Kootenai County, sending convicted child rapist Joshua R. Bradley, of Rathdrum, back to prison for failing twice in two months to register as a sex offender.
“We offer no plan for regaining the majority, we have no money to support viable candidates and now we attack our own.”
– Washington state Sen. Pam Roach, R-Auburn, in an e-mail to reporters about an internal political squabble that others have blamed on her treatment of staff members who work for the Senate Republican caucus.
“This is on the same level of catastrophe as the Challenger disaster.”
– Pharmaceutical researcher Robert Gallow, one of the discoverers of the AIDS-causing human immunodeficiency virus, after field tests of the most promising AIDS vaccine indicated it may be harming subjects more than helping them.
“I think the likeliest outcome this year is no one will put a hook in the water.”
– Fisherman Dave Britts, at a California meeting where federal officials were considering strict restrictions on salmon fishing on the West Coast.
“George improved the competitiveness of the program, and I commend him for his effort.”
– University of Idaho athletic director Rob Spear, announcing the firing of Vandals basketball coach George Pfeifer after two years of a three-year contract.
“We don’t have a problem with prostitutes. We have a problem with men who buy sex.”
– Kajsa Wahlberg, of the national police board’s human trafficking unit in Sweden, where it’s illegal to buy sex but not to sell it.