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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice

The Spokesman-Review

It has been suggested that people in Los Angeles stick around after a movie to watch the credits in part to suggest that they are connected in some way to the film industry.

What would be the Spokane equivalent?

Hmmm. Here are three possibilities. Then you should feel free to suggest your own idea.

1. Critiquing the parents of that one young thug at day care, to hint that you and your kids are perfect.

2. Always having an opinion about carburetor settings, to signal that you know your way around vintage cars.

3. Frowning at shiny new camping equipment, to imply that it is inferior in every way to the tents and sleeping bags you have been using since shortly after Lewis and Clark came through the Northwest.

Paul Turner