Time to modernize EVSD schools
The East Valley School District Board of Directors recently voted unanimously to place a capital improvement bond on the May 20 ballot.
Although our staff does an outstanding job of maintaining our buildings, it is time to modernize our middle schools and Otis Orchards Elementary in order to extend their useful lives for an additional 30 to 40 years.
As responsible homeowners, we properly maintain our homes with new paint, carpeting and roofing. Many of us upgrade our windows, hearing and air conditioning with more energy-efficient and cost-effective systems. The same is needed to maintain our schools with mechanical, electrical, technological, interior/exterior upgrades along with new safety and code requirements.
East Valley qualifies for state matching funds. For every $6 our citizens invest, the state invests $4. The bond you currently support will be paid off this year and costs you $1.50 per $1,000 of tax assessed value. The new amount is only $1.40 per $1,000 and will not increase your tax rate.
There are property tax exemptions available for senior citizens earning less than $35,000. Call the County Assessor’s office at 477-5754 for more information.
Please vote by May 20.
Kerri Lunstroth
President, East Valley School Board