Dangerous intersection ‘studied for years’
I witnessed another accident last weekend at the intersection of Pines, 16th Avenue and Highway 27 in Spokane Valley.
This intersection has been the scene of numerous accidents and near-accidents for quite some time. I was rear-ended there a couple of years ago. Last month I narrowly avoided being hit again. I avoid this intersection as much as possible.
There is a stoplight, two stop signs, two signs stating “Do Not Block Intersection” and a sign prompting “Right Lane Must Turn Right.” What is the problem? Let’s add 14 lanes of traffic heading north, south, east and west. We also have to figure the right and left turns in each direction plus two lanes merge left into one. This intersection is a dangerous and costly, highly-traveled area. At peak times it is very congested.
Monday morning I contacted the senior traffic engineer, Inga Note, and expressed my concerns about this accident-prone intersection. Imagine how foolish I felt after Ms. Note explained that this intersection has been studied for years.
Then I asked another dumb question, “How many more years do you think you need to study before something is done?” Ms. Inga Note replied “It’s a matter of money” and did I have any more questions?
If, by chance, Ms. Note reads this letter I just wanted to apologize for interrupting her busy day and I hope she could resume her studies.
I urge everyone that feels as I do about this poorly planned and dangerous intersection to write a letter or call Inga Note, 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206; phone 688-0227; fax: 921-1008.
Jack M. Bean
Spokane Valley